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        1 - A critical inquiry of contemporary western philosophers' definition of morality
        From the past up to now, multiple definitions have been proposed by many of philosophers and scholars, many of which are different from each other, due to their different perspective. In this paper, first, we study three main words in this respect etymologically, name More
        From the past up to now, multiple definitions have been proposed by many of philosophers and scholars, many of which are different from each other, due to their different perspective. In this paper, first, we study three main words in this respect etymologically, namely, "Akhlagh" (in Persian), "Ethics" and "Moral" (in English). In this etymology, it is made clear that those three words have one same meaning. Then, we shall make a comparison between contemporary western philosophers' definition of morality and those of muslem scholars. This comparison shows that the definition of morality in contemporary western ethics is, indeed, a definition of morality as behavior, while in Islamic ethics, one it is as inward temperaments. At the end, we raise three arguments which show that muslem scholars' definition in comparision with contemporary westerns' one is more precise and more workable. Manuscript profile