• List of Articles تصدیق

      • Open Access Article

        1 - compurriny faith in the viewpoint of mulla sadra (motaalia school) and mirza isphany (tafkik school)
        one of the most important concepts that causes teological and philsophical debates in the muslim word and the chrition and jewish is explaining the word of “faith”. today discassions about fuith and it's vole in the formation of religious belief, play an important role More
        one of the most important concepts that causes teological and philsophical debates in the muslim word and the chrition and jewish is explaining the word of “faith”. today discassions about fuith and it's vole in the formation of religious belief, play an important role in new topics in the philisiply of religion and theology. this artucl try to review and investiyate this issue from the point of view of mulla sadra(hekmat motaalih) and mirza mahdi isphany the founder of dustinction school(tafkik) mulla sadra belives that faith is based of reuson and beside verbul acknoweldtment and heart authentication. he emphesuze on practiciny by organs of bocly. but mirza mahdi belives that in the first staye faith is based on heart acknowledgment and cogonition and in the next step based on verbul confession and this cognition in the grace of god and it dosn't obtain throuyh veasoning. in this inquiry we try to compare thess tow stanclpoints and explain the resemblances and differnces of these two thinkers and finally comare the cineept of faith in the viwepoint of mulla sadra and mirza mahdi isphany Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A New Parallel Method to Verify the Packets Forwarding in SDN Networks
        Rozbeh Beglari Hakem Beitollahi
        The rise of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has revolutionized network management, offering greater flexibility and programmability. However, ensuring the accuracy of packet forwarding remains paramount for maintaining network reliability and security in SDN environme More
        The rise of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has revolutionized network management, offering greater flexibility and programmability. However, ensuring the accuracy of packet forwarding remains paramount for maintaining network reliability and security in SDN environments. Unlike traditional IP networks, SDN separates the control plane from the data plane, creating new challenges for securing data transmission. Existing verification methods designed for IP networks often cannot be directly applied to SDN due to this architectural difference. To address the limitations of existing verification methods in SDN networks, new approaches are necessary. This research proposes a novel parallel method for verifying packet forwarding, building upon concepts from DYNAPFV. The proposed approach aims to overcome specific limitations of existing methods (including DYNAPFV), such as scalability issues, slow verification times. Simulations demonstrate significant improvements compared to DYNAPFV. The proposed parallel method achieves a 92% reduction in time required to identify malicious nodes within the network. The results also reveal a trade-off between security and verification time. As the probability of packet integrity confirmation increases from 0.8 to 0.99, system security strengthens, but the time to detect malicious switches also increases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - A Research on the Denial of “Religious Ḍarūrī” and Its Implications in the Imāmiyyah School
        behnam abasi Hussein   Saberi Seyyed Mahmoud   Mirnourbakhsh
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptanc More
        <p>The denial of Ḍarūrī (the essential component of religion) or Ghayr-i-Ḍarūrī (the non-essential component of religion) from among the rules which have certainly been issued by the Prophet of Islām and Imāms (peace upon them) is not incompatible with partial acceptance of religion and does not cause the loss of faith in Allāh and the Prophet of Islām and does not lead to disbelief. If there is mutual incompatibility between one&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and his/her partial acceptance of religion (which is one of the clearest evidences of disbelief), he/she is considered to be an unbeliever; otherwise, he/she is not regarded so. Contemporary jurists do not believe in single-case causality for people&rsquo;s denial of Ḍarūrī and issuing decree on their apostasy whether in terms of religion or of a particular religious school; one who rejects Ḍarūrī of Shi&lsquo;ite school is considered a non-Shi&lsquo;ite Muslim, and the commands of Muslims are carried out upon him/her. The method of research in this article is descriptive-analytical.</p> Manuscript profile