• List of Articles تزاحم

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The "important and more important" principle, and the unethical theory of justification
        The subject of “ethics in governing and ruling” has always been of interest to scholars and thinkers of all societies. Ethics in politics or ethical politics is still a controversial issue among great thinkers of political and moral philosophy. Having a short look at th More
        The subject of “ethics in governing and ruling” has always been of interest to scholars and thinkers of all societies. Ethics in politics or ethical politics is still a controversial issue among great thinkers of political and moral philosophy. Having a short look at the theories of philosophers from different schools about the relationship between ethics and politics, and having made a comparison between Plato, Aristotle, Marx, and Machiavelli, this article tries to describe and present the viewpoint of the Qur’an and ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib about the matter. This article shows that the principal ruling method recommended by Niccolo Machiavelli, which is practically accepted by all rulers, and that is instrumentality in statebuilding –an approach represented by the saying “the ends justify the means.” Whereas, the Prophet of Islam's son-in-law, his closest companion, and his chosen successor; ‘Ali ibn Abi-Talib, has explicitly rejected this idea, And then, we have refered to the views of Shia jurists on the topic, and rooted out the "important and more important" principle and the determinants in case of contradiction, showing that the Quran and Hadith have allowed employing forbidden means only in the exceptional case of "saving humans' life," and it cannot be generalized to all cases of two contradictory gains. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Islamic Thought System and Economic Participation and Women's Employment
        Mohammad Ali  Akhavian amirabas madavifard rahman zare
        Women's employment is one of the most important topics in the field of women's studies, which has led to different theories and opinions. The problem we seek to analyze is what is the priority in the religious approach and revelatory teachings in the conflict between th More
        Women's employment is one of the most important topics in the field of women's studies, which has led to different theories and opinions. The problem we seek to analyze is what is the priority in the religious approach and revelatory teachings in the conflict between the key roles of women such as marriage and childbearing by working outside the home? This study, with an analytical look, while examining the three approaches to women's employment and expressing its disadvantages and advantages, came to the conclusion that from the perspective of verses and hadiths, the role of wife and mother for women is a priority in divine duties and has a value and moral burden. Employment, though, is a women's right; But it is not their job Therefore, in cases of conflict between employment and the main female roles, ie wife and mother, while observing this priority, moral and jurisprudential ideas should be given special attention, and by observing moral health in social relations between men and women, preserving the dignity of women is a priority. Family interests paid attention to this issue in terms of developmental differences between men and women, as well as the disadvantages and advantages of employment. The present study finally offers solutions to resolve the conflict. This article analyzes the opinions in a descriptive and analytical method with a revelatory approach and citing verses, narrations and opinions of thinkers. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The moral legitimacy of the theoretical and practical conflict between non-ruling jurists and ruling jurists based on its consequences
        Abdol Rahim  Zare alireza asgari Ahmadreza  Tavakoli
        Although there are two theories of selection and appointment among jurists in relation to Islamic governance, but based on rational and narrative reasons, all qualified jurists are the general vicegerents of Imam Masoom (a.s.) and it is necessary that among them one of More
        Although there are two theories of selection and appointment among jurists in relation to Islamic governance, but based on rational and narrative reasons, all qualified jurists are the general vicegerents of Imam Masoom (a.s.) and it is necessary that among them one of the jurists who All the necessary conditions, such as knowledge, independence, and the power to run the Islamic society, must be fulfilled and he must assume this responsibility for the implementation of divine decrees. It is natural that if one of the jurists undertakes this duty, the other jurists should support him and not disturb him by interfering in his work; One of the debates in the field of jurisprudence is the conflict between jurisprudence and jurists, which is referred to as "the interference of a jurist for another jurist". Whenever a jurist is unique in an era, he himself becomes responsible for the province and performs his duty in all areas related to the implementation of divine decrees and the administration of Muslim affairs. But if there are many qualified jurists in one era, the question arises, how can multiple jurists in a single era all have the authority and government, which requires the plurality of independent rulers in a single time and place, which is contrary to the way of reasoning and building. It is the governments and if the guardianship and the government are for one person, then the question that can be asked is what will be the fate of the guardianship of the other jurists? The result of this conflict, in addition to being an immoral act, is considered an immoral matter, and it means the interference and opinions of people in matters that do not concern them, which, in addition to psychological damage for themselves, has harmful social consequences. also has; Because sometimes it causes moral vices such as turbidity, enmity, sedition and chaos. Therefore, in Islamic hadiths, this immoral work is strictly prohibited. According to many jurists, the Holy Sharia itself has thought out ways to do things in this field, and in practice such a problem will not occur, and when one of the jurists starts to form a government, citing two Muslim principles of jurisprudence, it is not permissible for others to work. He has interfered and interfered in the performance of his duty, whether it is in the form of interference in the principle of the formation of the government or in the form of interference in some of its affairs; These two principles, one is the necessity of the sufficiency of the authority of the jurist and the other is that it is not permissible to disturb the jurist in one another's work. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the field of conflicts and conflicts
        Qasem Qasemi bivarzani Fariborz Letafati Roqaye Bahonar
        There are severe conflicts and conflicts in the various principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution. These matters are also seen in the principles related to the judiciary. Principles 36 and 167 of the Constitution are among these. And conflicts and confli More
        There are severe conflicts and conflicts in the various principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution. These matters are also seen in the principles related to the judiciary. Principles 36 and 167 of the Constitution are among these. And conflicts and conflicts have spread from the text of the constitution to other laws. For example, the ambiguity in Article 167 of the Constitution has spread to Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2012. And this law, which, as a normal law, should contribute to the transparency and elaboration of the principles of the Constitution. It has suffered from abbreviations and generalizations, the result of which will be the abandonment and ineffectiveness of Article 167 of the Constitution in practice. Manuscript profile