• List of Articles تأويل

      • Open Access Article

        1 - A Study of the Status of Shams-i-Tabrizi's Qur’anic Gnostic Interpretations
        محمّد  خدادادي مهدی  ملک‌ثابت يدالله  جلالي پندري
        Undoubtedly, one of the greatest theosophists in the arena of Islamic theosophy is Shams al –Din Muhammad, known as "Shams Tabrizi" the well-known Sufi mystic of the seventh century AH. Who caused a great spiritual change in Jalaluddin Mawlavi. His views on variety of More
        Undoubtedly, one of the greatest theosophists in the arena of Islamic theosophy is Shams al –Din Muhammad, known as "Shams Tabrizi" the well-known Sufi mystic of the seventh century AH. Who caused a great spiritual change in Jalaluddin Mawlavi. His views on variety of mystical topics available in the only text ascribed to him, "Maqalaat-e Shams" compiled by others, are highly remarkable. He has innovative, unique views on Qur’an hermeneutics and interpretation that have not been discussed yet. Interpreting Qur’an, he reveals new layers of its which astonishes every learned researcher of Islamic mysticism. In this research we first introduce Shams’s views on interpretation in general, and the necessity of considering them, then study his views on the Qur’an hermeneutics in particular, in a systematic way. He believes that the perfect man of his time is the manifest of the Qur’an. He believes that there is no end for the layers of the Qur’an, and it is superficial to claim it has seven or seventy layers. He knows the Prophet Mohammad as the first person to interpret the Qur’an. In a general classification, we can see that Shams has used four ways to interpret Quran: 1) to interpret a word as it is used for another word or concept, 2) to interpret a verse by adding a word 3) to interpret a verse through providing the certain reason for its firs revelation, and 4) to justify some terms and expressions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - “Moth” and “Siolisheh”; Two Symbols for One Situation; Paraphrase of Two Symbolic Poems by Nima Yushij
        فاطمه  راکعی
        In the symbolic paraphrase of Nima Youshij’s poetries, we already face this pre-assumption; that some of these poems have a social-political theme which the poet either could not or has chose not to express directly and clearly, therefore in order to convey these themes More
        In the symbolic paraphrase of Nima Youshij’s poetries, we already face this pre-assumption; that some of these poems have a social-political theme which the poet either could not or has chose not to express directly and clearly, therefore in order to convey these themes, he has resorted to poetic symbols. The author of this essay tries to approach the poet’s actual and intended concept and meaning as he created them through using the paraphrase methods of Schlamaikher (Shumaker) and his other fellow thinkers. For this purpose, by a constant and close study of the poet’s life, thoughts, works and the social-political situation related to Nima’s time, in addition to using the text as a guide, the researcher has reached this goal to a fair extent. In the present essay, two poems-“The Moth Close to the Beach” and “Siolishes” in which both enjoy a close atmosphere- and both mention someone tapping on the window of the poet’s room, are paraphrased. Also due to the manner in which the poet speaks in both cases, it is concluded that the symbols in “The Moth Close to the Beach” and “Siolishe”, both point to a similar situation or even the same case; where a person with communistic views hopes to creep in Nima’s house and so taps on the window of his house. This approach towards Nima’s symbolic works does not in any respect deny the reader-response approach towards literary texts, as the author of this essay finds it quite possible that even symbolic poems bear social and political motifs and therefore resemble various paraphrases within different approaches. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Revelation Magic
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        The mystical texts while including some secrets, mystery, conceptual and meaning complications and also using the symbolic, impressive, magic and tuneful language, differ from the others literary and non-literary texts considerably. These differences are only considered More
        The mystical texts while including some secrets, mystery, conceptual and meaning complications and also using the symbolic, impressive, magic and tuneful language, differ from the others literary and non-literary texts considerably. These differences are only considered by some of the intellectuals as the differences in language structure and know the meaning related complexity originated in the especial features of that language. Opposed to the mentioned viewpoints, this essay brings the priority of the concept and meaning over the language in mystical texts into sharp focus and reveals that revelation, understanding, interpretation and explanation of the meaning have priority over the terms and appropriateness of the language. Although the new findings based on revelation of meaning and concept creates a new language, it will be different from the other languages. In this regard, the understanding and interpretation by the general interpreters upon a the Holy Quran verses as well as the Khorasan mystics and Ibne Arabi’s ones in Fososelhekam, have been studied. The result of this essay and study have shown that meaning has priority over the terms and thought, in mystical texts. It also shows that the complementary development of the mystics’ understanding of the Holy Quran till the period of Ibne Arabi and their effects and interplay on each other. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The investigation of Nasser Khusrow's interpretationand scholastic theology reviews based on Qur'an Verses in the Poems
        Shahrokh  Hekmat Abolfazl  Nick Ahd
        Naser khusrow is a unigue poet; one of the reasons is that he hs among few poets who found his way by searching and exploring- apart from any bias or special attitude – and to prove the veracity of his own way from a logical point of view, especially by resorting to the More
        Naser khusrow is a unigue poet; one of the reasons is that he hs among few poets who found his way by searching and exploring- apart from any bias or special attitude – and to prove the veracity of his own way from a logical point of view, especially by resorting to the word of revelation putting most effort in this direction has not deserted any ate mpt.He regards more attention to hermeneutice that finally this hemeneutice referring back to the origin and to the family of infallibility and purity. And by this view that he is also the advertiser agent, all of logical issues for following and getting results.He has enjoyed his Divan (poems collection) all interpretation,s and all Quranic words and word combinations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Function of the Intellect in the Realms of Religion and Ethics in Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili
        Farzaneh  Mustafapour Hossein  Hooshanghi Seyyed Abbas  Zahabi
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three episte More
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three epistemological, motivational, and ontological approaches. The writers have investigated three categories in the field of epistemology: knowledge of fundamental values, goodness and ugliness of acts, and unveiling of ethical principles based on basic propositions; two functions of the intellect in the field of motivation: the origin of human ethical implications and the basis of Man’s responsibility, and the human voluntary and rational choice in the field of ontology. He maintains that the intellect plays an essential and fundamental role in each of them, and that moral principles have been explained based on rational reasoning. Regarding the functions of the intellect in the domain of understanding religion, the writers initially deal with God’s Oneness and Justice in the light of rational reason and, then, relying on religious principles and through granting a central role to the intellect, they interpret some Qur’anic verses. Finally, they try to interpret some cases which are in contrast to the intellect with reference to certain examples. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Review of the Development of Semantics of Divine Attributes in Islamic Thinkers
        Abdollah Mirahmadi
        One of the extensive realms of tawhidi (related to oneness of God) problems pertains to the explanation of Divine Attributes. The existence of such attributes in different Qur’anic verses and traditions has always raised a serious question among Islamic mutikallimun as More
        One of the extensive realms of tawhidi (related to oneness of God) problems pertains to the explanation of Divine Attributes. The existence of such attributes in different Qur’anic verses and traditions has always raised a serious question among Islamic mutikallimun as to which linguistic principles could assist in grasping a correct understanding of them. In the history of Muslim thinkers three main approaches have been developed regarding the explanation of Divine Attributes: The first approach is supported by anthropomorphists (mushabbaha), literalists (hashwiyyah), corporealists (mujassamah), and then revivalists (salafiyya); while interpreting the verses on attributes based on their surface meaning, they maintain that predicative Divine Attributes can be demonstrated through assimilation and qualification. The second approach is mainly prevalent among the people of hadith; while ascribing predicative attributes to God, they are content with the mere explanation of the quality of their attribution and leave the understanding of their meanings to God. Unlike the proponents of the previous two approaches, those of the third approach, despite some methodological differences in interaction with attributes whose primary appearance is in contrast with conclusive rational principles, have adopted the method of t’awil or esoteric exegesis. A group of early thinkers and, following them, the Mu‘tazilites and Shi‘ites are among the true advocates of this approach. Here, following the method of content analysis, the author intends to provide an accurate account of these three approaches and, at the same time, evaluate their efficiency. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Impact of Qur’anic Teachings on Suhrawardi’s Illuminationist Philosophy
        Qasim  Pourhassan Seyyed Mostafa  Babaei
        Obviously, all Islamic philosophers, affiliated with any of the three well-known philosophical schools, have been greatly influenced by Qur’anic teachings in the development of their philosophical thoughts. However, among them, Suhrawardi was the first Islamic philosoph More
        Obviously, all Islamic philosophers, affiliated with any of the three well-known philosophical schools, have been greatly influenced by Qur’anic teachings in the development of their philosophical thoughts. However, among them, Suhrawardi was the first Islamic philosopher who benefitted extensively from the Holy Qur’an in the development of his Illuminationist philosophy. His use of this heavenly Book is different from that of others both quantitatively and qualitatively (in terms of interpretation). He based many of his ideas, arguments, and judgments on the teachings of the Qur’an. Here, the authors have tried to briefly explain the impact of Qur’anic teachings on Suhrawardi’s Illuminationist philosophy with regard to the four categories of luminous wisdom, light of all lights, intellects, and the soul. This is because a detailed discussion of this topic demands sufficient time and extensive knowledge. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Mullā Ṣadrā and the Critical Methodology of the Exoteric Understanding of Religion
        Somayeh Malleki Mahdi Emami Jomee Nafiseh  Ahl Sarmadi
        Exoteric and superficial interpretations of religion have always existed in the social history of religions, and some of them have given rise to a number of uncompromising and takfīrī trends. This has resulted in the portrayal of a coarse, cruel, and dogmatic face for r More
        Exoteric and superficial interpretations of religion have always existed in the social history of religions, and some of them have given rise to a number of uncompromising and takfīrī trends. This has resulted in the portrayal of a coarse, cruel, and dogmatic face for religion. The criticism of such exoteric interpretations was one of the essential components of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy. He devoted at least two of his works, Kasr al-aṣnām al-jāhiliyyah and Sih asl treatise, completely to this theme. This critical approach in Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy has various dimensions, which have not received the attention that they truly deserve. Therefore, following descriptive and content/document analysis methods, this study aims to present and examine such dimensions. These dimensions include linguistic, rational, and psychological elements in understanding religion. An overall study of the mentioned elements indicates that exoterism may result in the rise of religious dogmatism, flaring up of raging arguments, emergence of mundane and pseudo-scholars instead of true scholars, and development of the culture of hypocrisy and discord. Manuscript profile