• List of Articles اشاعره

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        1 - The Relation of Hafez to Ash'arite and Determinism Schools
        Mohammad مشهدی نوش‌آبادی
        One of the signifying issues about poetry and thought of Hafez, a Persian poet, is determinism and fatalism. Although a number of researchers have studied this topic from different aspects, it is still, like so many other issues about Hafez, seriously debatable. A part More
        One of the signifying issues about poetry and thought of Hafez, a Persian poet, is determinism and fatalism. Although a number of researchers have studied this topic from different aspects, it is still, like so many other issues about Hafez, seriously debatable. A part of scholars have stressed on determinism in his poetry, even if they don’t reach to any common point about his being Ash’ari. Most of them have believed in not his being a part of these two schools. In this paper, firstly, a quick review of different standpoints about Hafez’s thought world will put forward. Then the discussion goes through the dissension of Ash’arite and Mu'tazilah schools, which based on the human’s intended or chosen’s act, considering that every deterministic belief is not attributed to Ash’arite or any kind of theological approach. Finally, through focusing on the freethinking behavior of Hafez toward the determinism, based on various examples from his poetry book, it is rendered that these reneges of poems are composed in reply to his reproachers who had charged him with the profligacy and love. At the end, the viewpoint of researchers who believed in determinism of Hafez is negotiated. As a result, most of Hafez’s poems which are apparently in harmony with determinism school, considered as his disputing with the reproachers as well as criticizing Ash’arite and Mu'tazilah in terms of ignoring freedom of choice. To come to the point, being a part of determinism and Ash’rite school not only could not explain Hafez as he is but also is against his disagreement with these schools. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Kalami arguments in Tarikh-e Beyhaqi
        جلیل مشیدی
        Abolfazl Beyhaqi, no doubt, was a Sunni Muslim, but of what branch of it is open to question. In his Tarikh, there is such a strong belief in destiny that he appears as a fatalist. On the other hand, regarding the responsibility he believes his historical characters had More
        Abolfazl Beyhaqi, no doubt, was a Sunni Muslim, but of what branch of it is open to question. In his Tarikh, there is such a strong belief in destiny that he appears as a fatalist. On the other hand, regarding the responsibility he believes his historical characters had, he does not seemingly deny free will. Moreover, wisdom and rationalism are widely praised there, while he considers the Mo’tazileh rationalists as foes of Islam as Zendiqs (atheists) and Dahris (materialists). So, what religion could it be called? It cannot be marked as Ash'ari because the Ash’aris do not agree with rationalism. They do not even consider distinguishing between the good and bad as a matter of rationalistic practice. They had commitment just to what the Shar’ (Divine Law) knows as good or bad. Besides, they were not in a politically good position until the Seljuk took power in about the latter half of the fifth century AH, while in the time when in Basrah and Baqdad, Ash’ari began to reform religious beliefs, in Samarqand district, Abu-Mansour Matoridi (died in 333 AH) emerged with the ideology close to that of Ash’ari’s. Due to the importance he gave to rationalism, of course not so much as Ash’ari did, he attracted Ash’ari’s students who defended his views as revival of perfect Sunni Religion. Abolfazl Beyhaqi praises Abu Hanifah in his Tarikh; since most Hanafis were Matoridis, he can be considered as “Matoridi”. The present article, comparing and contrasting some writings of Beihaqi with Ash’ari and Matoridi beliefs, brings up and studies the probablity of his being Matoridi. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Theory of Acquisition and its Different Approaches
        Regarding man’s actions, from viewpoint of compulsion or volition, among religion researchers, there are different approaches. Ash’arites and its head believe in theory of acquisition and claimed man’s role in his actions is acquisition, not creation. But during history More
        Regarding man’s actions, from viewpoint of compulsion or volition, among religion researchers, there are different approaches. Ash’arites and its head believe in theory of acquisition and claimed man’s role in his actions is acquisition, not creation. But during history Ash’arite ‘ulama, have got different ideas and readings concerning the reality of acquisition. Studying the Ash’arite works, the author found seven prominent approaches and then criticized and evaluated them. He demonstrated that the Ash’arite theories of compulsion or volition not only are not able to explain the reality of acquisition, but they lead to either compulsion or indeterminism. Therefore, some Ash’arite ‘ulama denied the theory of acquisition and accepted the Shi’i theory of intermediate position. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The history of the concept of the articles of faith in Sunni theological tradition
        The discussion of the principles of religion or the articles of faith is one of the most important discussions among Muslim thinkers. This important concept of the principles of religion or the articles of faith has its own history among Muslims. The concept of the five More
        The discussion of the principles of religion or the articles of faith is one of the most important discussions among Muslim thinkers. This important concept of the principles of religion or the articles of faith has its own history among Muslims. The concept of the five articles of faith in Islam is not extant in Quran or in Hadith but has entered the works of Muslim theologians especially by the works of Mutazilites. In its early stages in the history, the concept of principles of the religion or the articles of faith was used in a general way and referred to the whole theological beliefs but later its usage has narrowed and just referred to some special theological creeds. In this period usually five items were referred to as the five principles of religion. Different theological traditions have their own principles of religion in the way that sometimes seven and even fifteen items were referred to as the principles of religion. Unlike the rationalist Mutazilites, there is no such a concept among Ash'arites or Maturidites. In this article we will survey the history of the changes the concept of the articles of faith experienced in Sunni Kalam tradition Manuscript profile
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        5 - Investigating and analyzing the confinement of names and attributes of god in Sa'adi s works
        anvar zieaee
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides be More
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides believe that God should be named and described only by the names and attributes in the book and the tradition, and that they know the names and other attributes of heresy. From the Mu'tazilite point of view, the divine attributes and attributes are not forbidden, and the name and attribution of transcendence to the names and attributes not mentioned in the Qur'an and traditions is valid, while mystics and Sufis and many close to them believe that God Any good name can be read. Saadi, inspired by the Ash'arites' beliefs, repeatedly reads God in the names and descriptions mentioned in the book and tradition. Therefore, in this research, considering the Ash'arism of Saadi's professionalism, we will examine descriptive-analytic method by extracting nouns and attributes in general, to see to what extent Sa'adi's thoughts and beliefs regarding the arrest of Asmau are discussed. The traits correspond to the Ash'arites. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Islamic theologians approach to intellect in verbal theories
        hormoz asadikohbad
        Islamic thinkers from the formation of Islam's culture and civilization in the interpretation of Islamic texts and privileged the inference and taking advantage of those scriptures in the typology and principles of ideological use of them in commissioning guidelines and More
        Islamic thinkers from the formation of Islam's culture and civilization in the interpretation of Islamic texts and privileged the inference and taking advantage of those scriptures in the typology and principles of ideological use of them in commissioning guidelines and the Muslim procedure (jurisprudence), a variety of views. Therefore, various orientations have emerged and the origin of various theological schools, some of which have been implicated in texts without any interpretations and interpretation, and opposed to any crushing and involvement of the intellect in this field. And another group, for wisdom, the importance of abundance and verses and narratives were interpreted as a result of the emergence of multiple verbal ashaareh, such as Justice, Matoridye, and Lung.... There has been another way of thinking in the realm of Fiqh and the basics of inference and various jurisprudential schools such as, the Companions of the vote, Hadith, and the appearance of the lung.... In the Ahl al-Hadith and the principles of the principled manner in Shiite Shia, this research is achieved by descriptive analysis and by adapting various thinkers of these schools to the conclusion that although all the Islamism and the custody have common goals, but their approach to wisdom in the face of texts has caused the multiplicity of methods and attitudes, in the field of and practical. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Efficient Causality in the View of Islamic Mutikallimun and Philosophers
        Seyyed Sadra al-Din  Taheri
        Causality is at the center of several natural relationships which are studied in empirical sciences. Presently, it is the basis of the discovery of scientific laws. Moreover, the applications of different laws in various sciences, including all the laws related to indiv More
        Causality is at the center of several natural relationships which are studied in empirical sciences. Presently, it is the basis of the discovery of scientific laws. Moreover, the applications of different laws in various sciences, including all the laws related to individuals, societies, and other natural realms, in relation to fauna, flora, and minerals or inanimate things, have causality at their center. Here, the author has tried to examine the validity of the principle of causality from the viewpoints of two Islamic schools (Mu‘tazilah and Ash‘ariyyah) and two schools of Islamic philosophy (Peripatetic and Transcendent – from Ibn Sīnā to ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī). This paper consist consists of an Introduction, three detailed reports, a summary of findings, and a conclusion. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Master Sobhani and the Ash'arites' views on normative ethics and its limits
        Maryam  Hatami Hossein Abadi noushin abdi savojiyan Enshaallah Rahmati
        Ethics discusses the great importance of man and proving the continuity of its principles is one of the branches of the issue of admiration and denunciation. The totality and continuity of the principles of ethics does not change with the change of requirements, habits, More
        Ethics discusses the great importance of man and proving the continuity of its principles is one of the branches of the issue of admiration and denunciation. The totality and continuity of the principles of ethics does not change with the change of requirements, habits, imitation. The issues of admiration and denunciation are also practical and fundamental issues of ethics, and the differences between the readings and perceptions of good and evil in ethics have created conflicting views. This article uses descriptive-analytical method and using library sources while considering the theoretical foundations of Ash'arites and Master Sobhani about good and bad and its effectiveness to the schools of normative ethics. Ash'arite epistemology regarding the goodness and ugliness of the Shari'a has had several consequences, such as belief in acquisition and obedience instead of creation and production, Ilam, permission to change and not to do it, permission to do so and not to do it, discrimination between human beings in this world and the hereafter, prophecy And infallibility, sending the messenger and its absence, conquest, divine favor to all or some of the servants, even immorality and infidels.On the other hand, Master Sobhani, by pursuing the theory of moral nature and relying on its inherent goodness and ugliness, begins his moral theory with a discussion of normative ethics and generally seeks a military explanation of the rules and principles governing moral actions. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Critique of Ash'arite Quranic arguments about seeing God based on the views of Allama Helli and Allama Tabatabaie
        farahnaz razmi Nafiseh  FayazBakhsh Babak  Abbasi علیرضا  دارابی
        The topic of seeing God is one of the oldest theological matters that has always been considered by religions, and school of human thoughts. In Islam, the Ash'arites, as the largest theological sect of the Tradition, have a unique view in this regard and consider it im More
        The topic of seeing God is one of the oldest theological matters that has always been considered by religions, and school of human thoughts. In Islam, the Ash'arites, as the largest theological sect of the Tradition, have a unique view in this regard and consider it impossible to see God with the bare eye in this world, but it is allowed in hereafter. It uses philosophical and mystical teachings to make this impossible. During our time, Allama Tabatabie Provided the most accurate analysis on the subject of relying on the divine nature of human, removing the veil, and the subject of intuition. In this article, which is of evidence type and its method, content analysis and clarification is of comparative type, for the first time, the point of view of Allama Helli, who has argued in this regard and devoted many of his works to himself compare to the view of Ash'arites. Therefore, he compares the views of the eleventh century theologian (Allama Helli) with the fifteenth century commentator (Allama Tabatabaie) which shows the evolution of philosophical and interpretive theological view during these four centuries. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The process of confrontation between Mu'tazila and Ash'ari from the period of Ma'mun to Mutawakkul Abbasi
        Mohammad Jafar  vasef Seyyed Mohammad  Saghafi Nejad Mahmoud  Seyyed
        From the second half of the first century of Hijri, different theological sects and religions began to appear. The Mu'tazila sect was founded by Wasil bin Atta. This sect was seriously supported during the caliphate of Mamun, Mutasim, and Wathiq. When Mutawakkil reache More
        From the second half of the first century of Hijri, different theological sects and religions began to appear. The Mu'tazila sect was founded by Wasil bin Atta. This sect was seriously supported during the caliphate of Mamun, Mutasim, and Wathiq. When Mutawakkil reached the caliphate, he persecuted the Mu'tazilah. The Ash'ari school separated from this school at the age of forty and founded a new religion called Ash'ari. The current research, using the historical research method which is based on description and analysis, answers this question, according to such an atmosphere, was this school able to continue its way of thinking? The purpose of dealing with this issue is how the Atzali movement continued in the fourth century of Hijri and it examines the process of confrontation between Mu'tazila and Ash'ari. The findings of the research show that the emergence of Abul Hasan Ash'ari is one of the factors of the fall of Mu'tazila. Although some people believe that the Mu'tazila religion was in danger of dissolution in that era. In order to keep the Mu'tazili religion alive, Ash'ari used a policy that changed the method with all vigilance and saved the Mu'tazili religion. But it must be said that Ash'ari had various debates with Abu Ali Jabai, his teacher, and in terms of jurisprudence, he was a follower of Ahl al-Hadith. However, from the time of Mutawakkul to the time of the caliphate of Al-Qadir Ballah, the Mu'tazila did not have a place in the Abbasid caliphate system. Manuscript profile