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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Body-Soul Relation in the Transcendent Philosophy and Ibn Arabi’s School
        Mohammad Miri
        There are several similarities between the philosophical view of the Transcendent Philosophy and the gnostic view of Ibn Arabi’s school of the quality of the body-soul relation. Both of them, based on certain considerations, believe in the oneness of the body and soul. More
        There are several similarities between the philosophical view of the Transcendent Philosophy and the gnostic view of Ibn Arabi’s school of the quality of the body-soul relation. Both of them, based on certain considerations, believe in the oneness of the body and soul. At the same time, while accepting the existence of a huge gap between the rational soul and corporeal body, they emphasize that the existence of the steam-like spirit is not enough to establish the body-soul relation and argue that the existence of an Ideal body and level, which stands between the steam-like spirit and rational soul, is necessary for this relation to be realized. Accordingly, based on the views of both schools, the intellectual and rational soul possesses three bodies which appear alongside each other vertically. That is, it first belongs to the Ideal body, then to the steam-like spirit, and then to corporeal body. In other words, the rational soul administers the corporeal body through two intermediaries, namely, the Ideal body and the steam-like spirit. Moreover, both the Transcendent Philosophy and Ibn Arabi’s school explain the place of the rational soul, Ideal body, steam-like spirit, and corporeal body as the levels of the microcosm and the correspondence of each with the levels of macrocosm based on the principle of the “correspondence of macrocosm and microcosm”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - A Comparative Analysis of the Views of Farabi and Ibn Arabi concerning the Place of Ethics and Gnosis in their Utopia
        Fereshteh  Nadry Abyaneh
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive f More
        In this paper, by examining the ethical-gnostic identity of utopia in the views of Farabi (as the founder of Islamic philosophy) and Ibn Arabi (as the founder of Islamic gnosis), the writers portray the three main pillars of this state, namely, leadership, distinctive feature, and the purpose behind its establishment based on the fundamental concepts of perfection, justice, and ultimate happiness. They also demonstrate that these concepts are realized in their most sublime form in the Mahdawi Medina. From among the other problems discussed in this research, we can refer to the emphasis on the place of the intellect and knowledge in this regard as well as the instances of non-utopian cities in the eyes of these two thinkers. A comparative analysis of the ideas of Farabi and Ibn Arabi indicates that, in spite of their similar views concerning the main pillars of utopia, the basic principles of their gnostic and philosophical ideas and thoughts in this respect are different. From among these differences we can refer to the place of the problem of utopia, the foundations of the development of this idea, the language used to present it, determining its referent and expressing the level of its transcendence, and the quality of believing in the necessity of the objective realization of utopia. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Value and Efficiency of Acquired and Non-Acquired Sciences in Ibn ‘Arabī
        Forough al-Sadat  Rahimpour Nayereh  Esmaeli
        One of the most important and fundamental problems in theoretical gnosis is science. Ibn Arabi divides sciences into acquired and non-acquired types based on the way they are gained. Acquired types of science consist of the same discursive sciences which people attain t More
        One of the most important and fundamental problems in theoretical gnosis is science. Ibn Arabi divides sciences into acquired and non-acquired types based on the way they are gained. Acquired types of science consist of the same discursive sciences which people attain through rational reasoning. In contrast, the perception and attainment of non-acquired sciences are not only impossible for the intellect but also demand another tool called the heart, which is responsible for receiving the blessings and effusions of divine lights. Ibn ‘Arabī believes that true and original knowledge is one which God imparts to the heart. Such a kind of knowledge, unlike rational and acquired ones, is immune against error, doubt, and forgetting. This is because here Man is merely the receiver of God’s manifestations and cannot manipulate them at all. This paper explains the efficiency of acquired and non-acquired sciences from the view point of Ibn ‘Arabī, evaluates them, and highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each in comparison to each other. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Immutable Archetypes and their Place in Divine Apriori Knowledge in the Eyes of Ibn ‘Arabī and Mullā Ṣadrā
        Amirhossein  Kiani Zohreh Hosaini Khamenei
        The notion of immutable archetypes is one of the most important pillars of Ibn ‘Arabī’s ontology, and its acceptance greatly influences one’s view of the problem of God’s knowledge. In fact, God’s knowledge prior to the creation of existents is an important challenge th More
        The notion of immutable archetypes is one of the most important pillars of Ibn ‘Arabī’s ontology, and its acceptance greatly influences one’s view of the problem of God’s knowledge. In fact, God’s knowledge prior to the creation of existents is an important challenge that various epistemological, kalāmi, philosophical, and gnostic systems have tried to analyze and explain each in its own way. The Mu‘tazilites and Ibn ‘Arabī have tried to solve this problem by accepting the existence of pre-eternal archetypes. However, some thinkers, such as Mullā Ṣadrā, have disagreed with Ibn ‘Arabī’s view. Mullā Ṣadrā has harshly criticized the structure of immutable archetypes in his works. Nevertheless, through a more detailed investigation and based on a comparative approach, it can be concluded that Mullā Ṣadrā has tried to solve the problems that are in contrast to his philosophical principles through presenting a new view of the problem of archetypes and providing a new interpretation of Ibn ‘Arabī’s standpoint. This study aims to demonstrate that Mullā Ṣadrā agrees with Ibn ‘Arabī’s view of immutable archetypes but differentiates between his view and the idea of the subsistence of non-existents, which is favored by the Mu‘tazilites. He also believes that the first view is in conformity with his own unveilings and intuitions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Critical Study of the Book, The Bezel of Infallible Wisdom in the Word Fatemi
        Mahmoud Saidiy
        Faṣṣ ḥikmat ‘iṣmatīyyah fī kalimat fāṭimmīyyah is the title of a book by Hassanzadeh Amuli, which has been written following the method of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam and as a supplementary to this book. In this book, the writer has dealt with the mysterious and all-inc More
        Faṣṣ ḥikmat ‘iṣmatīyyah fī kalimat fāṭimmīyyah is the title of a book by Hassanzadeh Amuli, which has been written following the method of Ibn ‘Arabī’s Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam and as a supplementary to this book. In this book, the writer has dealt with the mysterious and all-inclusive character of Lady Fāṭimah (‘a) as a perfect and infallible human being. Such a discussion is an innovative move in theoretical gnosis from certain aspects; however, it suffers from some defects: 1) the related ḥadīths and their narrative proofs have not been quoted with sufficient accuracy; some of the mentioned ḥadīths cannot be found in narrative sources, and some others have been quoted from invalid ones; 2) the attribute of the queen of virtue is not solely applied to Lady Fāṭimah (‘a); therefore, it seems wrong to limit such a chapter to her; 3) Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam begins with the chapter of humanity and ends with the chapter of Muhammedan. Since the true heirs of the Holy Prophet (ṣ) depend on him in their nominal manifestations, the gnostic principles and problems regarding Lady Fāṭimah (‘a) can be sub-categorized under the chapter of Muhammedan and do not need an independent section. Manuscript profile