List of Articles Hamed Agahi

  • Article

    1 - Handwritten Digits Recognition Using an Ensemble Technique Based on the Firefly Algorithm
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , Issue 3 , Year 6 , Summer 2018
    This paper develops a multi-step procedure for classifying Farsi handwritten digits using a combination of classifiers. Generally, the technique relies on extracting a set of characteristics from handwritten samples, training multiple classifiers to learn to discriminat More
    This paper develops a multi-step procedure for classifying Farsi handwritten digits using a combination of classifiers. Generally, the technique relies on extracting a set of characteristics from handwritten samples, training multiple classifiers to learn to discriminate between digits, and finally combining the classifiers to enhance the overall system performance. First, a pre-processing course is performed to prepare the images for the main steps. Then three structural and statistical characteristics are extracted which include several features, among which a multi-objective genetic algorithm selects those more effective ones in order to reduce the computational complexity of the classification step. For the base classification, a decision tree (DT), an artificial neural networks (ANN) and a k-nearest neighbor (KNN) models are employed. Finally, the outcomes of the classifiers are fed into a classifier ensemble system to make the final decision. This hybrid system assigns different weights for each class selected by each classifier. These voting weights are adjusted by a metaheuristic firefly algorithm which optimizes the accuracy of the overall system. The performance of the implemented approach on the standard HODA dataset is compared with the base classifiers and some state-of-the-art methods. Evaluation of the proposed technique demonstrates that the proposed hybrid system attains high performance indices including accuracy of 98.88% with only eleven features. Manuscript profile

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    2 - Farsi Font Detection using the Adaptive RKEM-SURF Algorithm
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , Issue 3 , Year , Summer 2020
    Farsi font detection is considered as the first stage in the Farsi optical character recognition (FOCR) of scanned printed texts. To this aim, this paper proposes an improved version of the speeded-up robust features (SURF) algorithm, as the feature detector in the font More
    Farsi font detection is considered as the first stage in the Farsi optical character recognition (FOCR) of scanned printed texts. To this aim, this paper proposes an improved version of the speeded-up robust features (SURF) algorithm, as the feature detector in the font recognition process. The SURF algorithm suffers from creation of several redundant features during the detection phase. Thus, the presented version employs the redundant keypoint elimination method (RKEM) to enhance the matching performance of the SURF by reducing unnecessary keypoints. Although the performance of the RKEM is acceptable in this task, it exploits a fixed experimental threshold value which has a detrimental impact on the results. In this paper, an Adaptive RKEM is proposed for the SURF algorithm which considers image type and distortion, when adjusting the threshold value. Then, this improved version is applied to recognize Farsi fonts in texts. To do this, the proposed Adaptive RKEM-SURF detects the keypoints and then SURF is used as the descriptor for the features. Finally, the matching process is done using the nearest neighbor distance ratio. The proposed approach is compared with recently published algorithms for FOCR to confirm its superiority. This method has the capability to be generalized to other languages such as Arabic and English. Manuscript profile

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    3 - An Automatic Thresholding Approach to Gravitation-Based Edge Detection in Grey-Scale Images
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , Issue 4 , Year , Autumn 2021
    This paper presents an optimal auto-thresholding approach for the gravitational edge detection method in grey-scale images. The goal of this approach is to enhance the performance measures of the edge detector in clean and noisy conditions. To this aim, an optimal thres More
    This paper presents an optimal auto-thresholding approach for the gravitational edge detection method in grey-scale images. The goal of this approach is to enhance the performance measures of the edge detector in clean and noisy conditions. To this aim, an optimal threshold is automatically found, according to which the proposed method dichotomizes the pixels to the edges and non-edges. First, some pre-processing operations are applied to the image. Then, the vector sum of the gravitational forces applied to each pixel by its neighbors is computed according to the universal law of gravitation. Afterwards, the force magnitude is mapped to a new characteristic called the force feature. Following this, the histogram representation of this feature is determined, for which an optimal threshold is aimed to be discovered. Three thresholding techniques are proposed, two of which contain iterative processes. The parameters of the formulation used in these techniques are adjusted by means of the metaheuristic grasshopper optimization algorithm. To evaluate the proposed system, two standard databases were used and multiple qualitative and quantitative measures were utilized. The results confirmed that the methodology of our work outperformed some conventional and recent detectors, achieving the average precision of 0.894 on the BSDS500 dataset. Moreover, the outputs had high similarity to the ideal edge maps. Manuscript profile

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    4 - Remote Sensing Image Registration based on a Geometrical Model Matching
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , Issue 5 , Year , Autumn 2021
    Remote sensing image registration is the method of aligning two images from the same scene taken under different imaging circumstances containing different times, angles, or sensors. Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) is one of the most common matching methods pre More
    Remote sensing image registration is the method of aligning two images from the same scene taken under different imaging circumstances containing different times, angles, or sensors. Scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) is one of the most common matching methods previously used in the remote sensing image registration. The defects of SIFT are the large number of mismatches and high execution time due to the high dimensions of classical SIFT descriptor. These drawbacks reduce the efficiency of the SIFT algorithm. To enhance the performance of the remote sensing image registration, this paper proposes an approach consisting of three different steps. At first, the keypoints of both reference and second images are extracted using SIFT algorithm. Then, to increase the speed of the algorithm and accuracy of the matching, the SIFT descriptor with the vector length of 64 is used for keypoints description. Finally, a new method has been proposed for the image matching. The proposed matching method is based on calculating the distances of keypoints and their transformed points. Simulation results of applying the proposed method to some standard databases demonstrated the superiority of this approach compared with some other existing methods, according to the root mean square error (RMSE), precision and running time criteria. Manuscript profile