Identify the attributions style of the fans of Persepolis and Esteghlal teams about the defeat and victory of the team
Subject Areas :پروانه فرهاد بیگی 1 , Rada Habibi 2 , Aida Ayazi 3
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Abstract :
Introduction: The purpose of this study is to identify the attributions of Persepolis and Esteghlal fans about failure and success to investigate the hypothesis that the result of competition and the level of support have a significant impact on how to understand the results and subsequent attributions methods used to explain the results from the fans perspective. Methods: The assessment tools used in this research included Sport Spectator Identification Scale (SSIS) and Revised Causal Dimensional Scale (RCDS-II) was provided to the subjects online and subsequently 44 fans of the two teams with different levels of support volunteered to participate in this study. After data collection, methods of analysis of variance and correlation were used. Result: By comparing the four subscales of revised causal dimensions, personal control, external control, stability and causality, with three levels of support among the fans of Esteghlal and Persepolis teams in the results of one-way analysis of variance, a significant difference was observed in the external control subscale. Also, the results of correlation show that there is a correlation between the level of support with the locus of causality and external control. Conclusion. Examining the effect of fan levels on attribution styles regardless of the outcome of the game shows that along with increasing fan levels, there is a greater tendency to use external control attributions and people are more agreed on the impact of external control on team failure and success. The results of correlation also show that there is a correlation between the level of support with the locus of causality and external control And with the increase of the level of support in the subjects, the amount of their attributions to the locus of causality and especially to external control to explain the results of defeat and victory is higher.
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