Qualitative educational implications of Nahj al-Balagha on indicators of work and effective activity in Islamic lifestyle
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic EducationNarges Mirzadeh 1 , Nader Mirzadeh Kuhshahi 2
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Keywords: Nahj al-Balagha, work and effective activity, qualitative implications of work, educational implications of work, work in Islamic lifestyle.,
Abstract :
The aim of the current research is to identify the educational implications of Nahj al-Balagha on the indicators of effective work and activity in the Islamic lifestyle. This research has been done with a qualitative analytical-interpretive method and in a documentary way. The research community of Nahj al-Balagha and hadiths and the sample of research is those sermons, letters, wisdoms and hadiths that are mentioned directly or indirectly. Among the indicators of effective work and activity can be the behavioral model; Expertise and knowledge necessary for work; The power and ability to transfer professional skills to others; pure intention; thinking before doing work; the necessity of the hereafter; He mentioned laying the groundwork for effective work, taking advantage of opportunities, order and coherence in the stages of work, paying attention to the element of time in doing work, tolerance with people, compatibility of work with people's spirits, effort and diligence, the need to observe order and order in work. . The findings show that His Holiness' speech and performance express a practical and behavioral pattern and contain a practical educational system and have the ability to measure the quality and quantity of the effective work and activity system. which results in the design of a model derived from Nahj al-Balagheh in the field of work and effective activity..
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نرم افزار جامع التفاسیر
نرم افزار جامع الأحادیث.