Explanation of Standardization Role in the Proposed Solutions for Privacy Protection in Health Data
Subject Areas : Special
batool mehrshad
mohammad mehraeen
Mohammad Khansari
saeed mortazavi
1 -
2 - Economics and Administrative sciences/ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - University of Tehran
4 -
Keywords: Standardization, Privacy, E-health, 4th and 5th Generation Healthcare Systems,
Abstract :
Due to the importance of data sharing in the digital era and the two main considerations related to it that are; standardization and privacy protection, this article aims to answer a critical question that is, does standardization play a role in the proposed solutions for health data privacy protection? The present study is a systematic review conducted by searching databases such as Web of Science, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Springer, Magiran and SID and by applying a time limit filter. After applying the criteria for inclusion and exclusion and evaluating the results, relevant studies were selected. Articles addressing standardization and privacy protection in health data have been analyzed by taking 5 indicators into account. The need for standardization and its role to preserve privacy in health data have also been explained by examining the findings and discussing various laws related to privacy in the health field and its relationship with standardization. After the investigation, our study reveals that due to the technical structure of the fourth and fifth generation of health care, which has facilitated standardization, privacy protection can also be achieved through standardization. Finally, directions for future research on this topic are also suggested. The results of this research shows that the fourth- and fifth-generation health care systems that are technology-oriented; are formed based on standards, and these standards provide the possibility of their evaluation. Thus if laws related to health data privacy protection are developed based on standards, they will have a high execution guarantee. This further highlights the critical role of standard development organizations in this field.
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