Analysis of the effects of "SPRAWL REPAIR" on social capital
Subject Areas :
mohamad taghi heydari
saadi saedi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Zanjan University
2 -
Keywords: Keywords: SPRAWL REPAIR, social capital, urban sprawl, social sustainability.,
Abstract :
Mohammad Taqi Heidari Saadi Saedi Doise Abstract In addition to the negative environmental and economic effects, the scattered growth of cities has many social costs, these costs increase day by day with the displacement and distance of urban neighborhoods from the city center and the formation of urban suburbs. Urban sprawl does not have a social cost by itself, but population displacement is the first consequence of urban expansion that affects the social network. Social problems related to dispersion, such as lack of diversity, poor communication, and as a result, the reduction of social capital, as well as health problems such as obesity due to dependence on cars, have been attributed to it. Dispersion abandons neighborhood structure in favor of car-dependent patterns, resulting in driving being mandatory for almost all daily activities. Finally, commentators such as Putnam argue that the low-density suburban lifestyle associated with sprawl also reduces social capital and leads to a less healthy society. Sprawl Repair transforms sprawling car-dominated urban developments into whole communities that perform better economically, socially and environmentally. The purpose of the strategy of regeneration of dispersions is to create communities based on neighborhood units. The primary tactic of this method is to insert required elements such as buildings, high density, public space, additional communications, etc. to complete and diversify the scattered monocultural masses. Considering that today, participation-oriented and people-based approaches are among the most progressive and accepted approaches in the field of urban design, therefore, in this research, which was carried out using a descriptive and analytical method, an attempt is made to compare the concept of social capital with Sprawl Repair, which is A new tactic has been introduced in the regeneration of dispersions and the creation of complete communities, and finally we prove that the regeneration of urban dispersion is a driving force and a facilitating factor that has positive consequences on social capital.
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