Presenting the hybrid model of customer experience
Subject Areas :
fatemeh javaheri
Behrooz Tahmaseb kazemi
mahmood ahmadisharif
Arezoo ahmad danyali
1 - Lecturer at the Comprehensive Applied Science University, Houshman Sazeh, Tehran
2 - Islamic Council Research Center
3 - Member of the Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Quds Branch
4 - Member of the Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Quds Branch
Keywords: Hybrid model, traditional experience, online experience, meta synthesis, university,
Abstract :
The purpose of the research is to provide a hybrid model of customer experience. In hybrid models, we arrive at a new model that is more complete than the previous models by combining the basic models. The model of this research is a combination of the traditional and online model, with this model, we can provide the customer with a more complete service with the traditional method along with online, and the result is their satisfaction and loyalty. The research method is meta- synthesis. A qualitative study that uses the findings from other studies related to the topic, which is used in the end. From the findings obtained from the research, ten categories were grouped according to the identified codes and concepts in two main dimensions. The first dimension of traditional experience includes five categories, customer service, product service, brand service, human and emotional interaction experience, and human and organizational communication experience; which has the highest number of references and is included in the five main categories of this dimension; And next, the online experience dimension includes: five categories, cost reduction, time reduction, information storage experience and information reuse, self-learning or self-learning experience, and learning experience at work and home.
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