The Effect of ICT Development on Economic and Political Risk: A Cross Country Study
Subject Areas : ICT
َAmir Hossein Mozayani
Sajjad Faraji Dizaji
Hossein Karimi
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Keywords: Information and Communication Technology, Economic Risk, Political Risk, OPEC, Developing and Developed Countrie.,
Abstract :
Today, information and communication technology has influenced all areas of human life, including economics and politics. In research on the effects of information and communication technology, its effects on economic risk and political risk have not been considered so far. Therefore, this study has examined the effect of ICT development on economic and political risk for three selected groups of developed, developing, and OPEC countries in the period 2007- 2019. The panel data method was used to estimate the model. Based on the model estimation results for all sample countries, the deployment of information and communication technology reduces economic and political risk; But the results are different for each group. As the development of information and communication technology in selected OPEC members and developing countries increases economic risk; But in developed countries, it reduces economic risk. Also, in OPEC member countries, no significant relationship was found between ICT and political risk, and in selected developed and developing countries, ICT increases political risk.
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