The Effect of Transparency, Actors' Trust and Social Influence in the Adoption of Blockchain Technology in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (A Case Study of European Tourists)
Subject Areas : Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Researches
Yazdan Shirmohammadi
Nikooee Alireza
sinaei sinaei
1 - Associate Professor of Payam Noor University, Tehran
2 - Msc graduted at Tourism management, Payam Nour University, Tehran, Iran,
3 - M.Sc., Department of Tourism Management, Payame Noor University, PO Box, Tehran, Iran, 19394 4697
Keywords: Tourism, Stakeholders, Social Influence, Performance, Blockchain, Technology.,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Facilitating Conditions, Transparency, Stakeholder Trust, Social Influence and Performance Expectancy on the Adoption of Blockchain Technology through the Intention to use Technology in the Tourism Industry; Case study: Travel Services Offices in Tehran which based on the practical purpose, based on The data collection time is survey. Its validity and reliability were confirmed. The reliability of the questionnaire was obtained by Cronbach's alpha test for the whole questionnaire at 0.76. The statistical population of this study includes managers and staff of travel service offices in Tehran and the sample size is 384 people and the sampling method is available. The data analysis method to evaluate the hypotheses is a simple, multiple and mediated regression model. According to the findings, Behavioral Intention, Performance Expectancy, Social Impact (Social Influence), Facilitating Conditions on Behavioral Expectations for Blockchain Adoption had a positive and significant effect, but Trust among Supply chain Stakeholders did not have a positive and significant effect on Behavioral Intention to use Blockchain. The findings of this research indicate that the activity of Iran's tourism industry, using blockchain as a communication platform to pay for services, has a positive and effective effect on foreign tourists.
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