The goals of Intellectual education based on Hegel's phenomenology stages of consciousness development
Subject Areas :
Reza Ali Nowrozi
fahimeh hajiyani
1 - دانشگاه اصفهان
2 - .
Keywords: Hegel, intellect, consciousness, intellectual education, phenomenology ,
Abstract :
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the concept of intellect in Hegel's phenomenological approach to infer the goals of intellectual education from his viewpoint. The present study is descriptive research, and the research method is Frankenna's practical analogy. This study considers intellect to be divided into the hierarchal stages of "observant intellect," "active intellect," "practical intellect," and "absolute intellect," respectively, in terms of development and evolution. Results of the present study indicate that intellectual education at the stage of "observant intellect" includes the use of the "quality," "quantity," and "size" in the stage of "sensory certitude," "contemplation reflection" in the stage of "comprehension," and "good work idea" in the stage of "mental consciousness." Besides, the goals on intellectual education at the stage of "active intellect" include respect for the person as a goal in essence, and respect for the rights of others. The goals behind intellectual education at the "practical intellect" stage include the use of wise "purpose," "intention," and "aim" to achieve "moral consciousness critique" and the formation of "moral attitude" in the individual. The goals of intellectual education at the stage of "absolute intellect" include the use of religious arts to perceive the "absolute essence".
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