Examining the amount of cadmium and lead in the soil downstream of Taybad landfill
Subject Areas : Soil and water pollution with heavy metals
akram ghorbani
Mohammad ghafori
Mohammad javad alipoor
1 - member of faculity of kheradgrayan motahar ,Mashhad,Iran
2 - Member of the faculty of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
3 - Masters student
Keywords: Cadmium, Lead, Heavy metals, Pollution emission,
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to investigate the emission of heavy metals (cadmium and lead) in the soil around Taybad landfill. For this purpose, 15 stations at a distance of 100 meters from each other to the landfill of Taybad city were selected for sampling. Sampling 5 samples and repeating 3 times from each station, the samples were transferred to the laboratory for analysis to check the level of pollution indicators. Hypotheses were analyzed using one-sample t-test and Pearson's correlation coefficient with spss 24 software. It was found that the average total concentration of lead is equal to 52.04 and the average total concentration of cadmium is equal to 1.748. The concentration of the mentioned metals is significantly higher than the average global soil and earth's crust with 95% confidence. In the case of lead and cadmium, the highest contamination was in station 10 and 4, and the lowest contamination was in station 6 and 12, respectively. It is concluded that the amount of soil contamination does not change significantly with increasing distance, because the volume and concentration of contaminant runoff from the landfill (contaminant) along the path is constant. Therefore, it is better to provide environmental training for municipal municipal personnel and citizens of the region and to invest in the restoration of the environment and its further protection.
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