Dimensions and Components of the Work Environment Curriculum in Business Organizations (A Case Study: Ports and Maritime Organization)
Subject Areas :
zahra sharifiblue
Kurosh Fathi Vajargah
Saeid Safaei Movahhed
علیرضا عراقیه
1 - PhD student, Department of Educational Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
4 - Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Islamshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: curriculum, workplace, learning management, Ports and Maritime Organization,
Abstract :
This study investigated the dimensions and components of the curriculum of the work environment in business organizations in the Ports and Maritime Organization. In terms of purpose, this research was applied and the method was qualitative and theoretical. The participants of the research include experts and specialists in the field of curriculum, with a doctorate in curriculum planning, as well as employees of the Ports and Maritime Organization at the managerial level ad also the experts who have at least 5 years of work experience in the training and development of human resources of the Ports and Maritime Organization. To determine the samples, a non-random sampling method was used, and 20 individuals were considered as the sample using the principle of saturation. In this research, in order to collect data, library methods (including books, authoritative scientific databases and university theses) and semi-structured interviews were used. In order to determine the validity of the tool, qualitative research quality criteria were used. These criteria included accuracy, validity, reliability, transferability and confirmability, which were approved. The method of data analysis in the present study was thematic analysis. The results of the analysis showed that among the 121 indicators (items) available, 24 main components can be identified. Based on the results of the research, it could be seen that the structure of the curriculum includes target components (needs assessment, cultural adaptation and individual differences and flexibility), content (challenging, appropriateness and ease of access) and evaluation (suitability of measurement and evaluation with objectives, content and learning resources, clarity and transparency of assessment criteria, use of assessment and evaluation methods and flexible assessment). Regarding the effective factors on the design and compilation of the learning management-based work environment curriculum in the port and maritime organization, the results of the research indicated that managerial factors, organizational factors, individual factors, and educational factors are effective factors. Also, compared to educational management, the learning management paradigm includes effective learning components, knowledge orientation, attitude, and organizational factors. The principles and assumptions of the curriculum model of the workplace based on learning management, including the components of curriculum axes, development factors, value and characteristics of the curriculum based on learning management, including the components of nature characteristics, learning characteristics and environmental characteristics, were identified.
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