Diagnosing Human Relations in Tourism Agencies: The case of tourism agencies in South Khorasan Province
Subject Areas :
Abolfazi Danaei
Amir Ghorbani
Abolghasem Raesi
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2 - University Of Isfahan
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Keywords: tourism industry, tourism agencies, South Khorasan Province, Weisbord Six Box Model, human resource management,
Abstract :
Despite significant changes and developments in the tourism industry in South Khorasan Province, there is almost no systematic and scientific investigation in this area. Given the region’s population, the number of tourism agencies and related activities has increased. However, these businesses are not stable, and managers of such agencies leave their businesses after a period. Employees, too, dislike their working conditions. This study followed an applied and descriptive approach. The study included all tourism agencies in South Khorasan and considered all their employees. The statistical population comprised 105 employees of tourism agencies. Data were gathered based on a standard questionnaire where scores above 4 showed problems with the functionality of organizations; scores closer to 7 illustrated essential problems; and the scores below 4 showed negligible problems. Weisbord Six-Box Model was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the tourism industry in South Khorasan was not in proper condition and that people working in this area were looking for some improvements in their conditions.
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