The Impact of Co-branding Elements on Customers’ Satisfaction and Loyalty in Chain Restaurants in Tehran
Subject Areas :Jafar Ahangaran 1 , رضا اصلاني 2
1 - دانشگاه علم و فرهنگ
2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Keywords: Cobranding Customer satisfaction, Loyalty, Tourism, Restaurant management.,
Abstract :
Restaurant management is one of the important subsets of the tourism industry that makes tourist destinations more attractive. Additionally, food can be a cultural signifier and promote different cultural perspectives. Emerging concepts like co-branding can develop and improve the status of restaurant management in Iran. This research surveyed the impact of co-branding elements on customers’ satisfaction and loyalty in chain restaurants in Tehran. This is an applied research. Data are qualitative. Methods of data collection are documentary and survey. The statistical population was chain restaurants in Tehran. Data were collected through 268 questionnaires with convenience sampling. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Pearson correlation coefficient, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling have been used for data analysis. Research conceptual model evaluation has been done through partial least square path analysis with PLS software. The results indicated the impact of 3 elements of co-branding strategy on customers’ satisfaction and loyalty. The elements are “Price advantage, rewards-based advertising, and support services.” Co-branding can be an effective marketing strategy for restaurant managers to increase their customers’ satisfaction, and to make a better policy to achieve their goals.
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