The Methods of Intellectual Education based on Plotinus' Emanation-Centered Approach
Subject Areas :
gholami akbar
Reza Ali Nowrozi
Mohammad-Hossein Heidari
1 - isahan univercity
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Keywords: Emanation-centeredness, Rational Education Methods, Plotinus, Exaltation of the soul, Reasonable Life. Commercialization. ,
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of intellectual life in Plotinus' grace-oriented approach in order to infer the methods of intellectual education in response to the challenge of marketization of knowledge in education today. The present study is a qualitative research using conceptual analysis and practical analogy of Frankna. Inference of methods in the form of practical deductions consists of a normative premise indicating intermediate goals or principles of education, a factual premise that expresses the techniques and methods of achieving education goals, and a conclusion being a normative recommendation of a method to achieve educational goals. The results of this study showed that the methods of rational training based on existential change included benevolence, activism, and methods based on epistemological transformation including rational and intuitive reflections and the method of insight and introspection and methods based on moderation and practical wisdom included the practice of wisdom and self-purification. Therefore, knowledge with the focus on true rationality and by applying the methods extracted in Plotinus' thought has the capacity to resist the phenomenon of commercialization of knowledge in education today. These methods can be used as a tool against the manifestations of instrumental rationality such as wealth-centered thinking, cultural industry, superficiality and power-centeredness.
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