Calculating the Training Return on Investment (ROI) In Pars Oil & Gas Company (P.O.G.C)
Subject Areas :
Frouz Nouri
Saeid Safaee Movahed
Hamideh Bafandeh
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2 - HRD Advisor National Iranian Oil Company(NIOC)
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Keywords: Return of investmentTraining costs and benefitsTraining and development, Project management training program,
Abstract :
Training and development advisors and experts are working hard today to gain a position for training procedures as equal as other organizational procedures. This effort has turned into a huge challenge for such practitioners. Under such circumstances, return-of-investment can be deemed both as an opportunity (if carried out properly) and a threat (if implemented improperly). Some believe that such an approach can help us integrate training into other mainstream procedures. Anyway, it is believed that formulating and conceptualizing such a strategy is a brave enterprise which needs to be managed reasonably.This paper aims at estimating the return-of-investment rate for project management training programs at Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC). To analyze data, AHP strategy is used through Expert Choice software. The final rate was calculated as %59976. The calculated ROI sounds logically reasonable and indicates that the training program has been effective in essence.
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