The Effect of Gamification on Employee Motivation and Learning at Cooperative Management Training Course in Tehran Pars Oil and Gas Company
Subject Areas :
Saeed Safaei Movahed
Seyed Morteza Rikhtegarzadeh
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Keywords: Gamification, Motivation, Learning, Training, Pars Oil and Gas Company.,
Abstract :
The purpose of present study was to notice the effect of gamification on employee motivation and learning at cooperative management training course in Tehran Pars Oil and Gas Company by quasi-experimental method of Pre-test and post-test design with control group. The statistical population consists of all Pars Oil and Gas Company employees (700 people), which according to John Kerrosol's opinion, 36 were considered through simple random sampling in two experimental groups (18 persons) and control (18 persons). The instrument used in this research was a researcher-made questionnaire designed to measure learning motivation with 20 items in a 7-degree scale. The other instrument is an explanatory teacher-made questionnaire composed of 9 questions. The formal validity of a number of participants in the research and content was confirmed by the supervisor and several experts, and its reliability was confirmed using the Cronbach's alpha for learning motivation questionnaire by acceptable 0.832 value. To analyze the data, descriptive statistic including mean and standard qualification as well as inferential statistics including ANCOVA and MANCOVA covariance were used. The findings showed that the application of the gamification method to motivate and learn employees in Pars Oil & Gas Co. is effective.
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