Injuries, Solutions and a Model for Employees Training System of Islamic Republic of Iran Customs
Subject Areas :
Morteza Yarahmadi
Reza Najafbagy
Karamollah Daneshfard
Akbar Alamtabriz
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Keywords: Evaluation Indicators, Instructional Competencies, Perceived Competencies, Human Competencies, Technical Competence, Managers.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to identify of Instructional Competency Evaluation Indicators in Tehran Municipality Managers. The method of this research is descriptive as survey type and in terms of purpose it is considered as an applied research. The statistical population are the managers of Tehran municipality. Sample selection was done by random sampling method that included 15 senior managers, 45 middle managers, and 62 executive managers. To collect the research data, we used a questionnaire based on Robert-El-Katz's theory that made by researchers. The questionnaire had 66 questions and was in accordance with Likert scale. Validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the professors and experts of the field and its reliability coefficient was estimated using Cronbach's alpha (0/964). In order to analyze the collected data, One Sample T-Test and Friedman Test were used. The results of the analysis of data indicate identification of criteria and indicators of each of the instructional competencies of managers as well as the conceptual model of instructional competencies of municipality managers. In addition, the results showed that all indicators of perceived, human and technical competence evaluation at all levels of managers including senior managers, middle and executives are optimal, Except for the perceived competency of mid-level managers who have been moderately evaluated.
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