Proposing an Intelligent Method for Design and Optimization of Double tail Comparator
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
Sadegh Mohammadi-Esfahrood
Seyed-Hamid Zahiri
1 -
2 - University of Birjand
Abstract :
The performance of an Analog/Digital (A/D) converter, various aspects like general architecture of the converter, architecture of the building blocks or design of the blocks can be improved. The comparator block is a fundamental block in data converters. Due to contradicting design purposes, circuit constraints and necessities, design of comparators and obtaining best circuit performance are complicated and challenging. Such challenges in circuit design necessitate presenting approaches which not only satisfy all the objectives but also, they are cost effective in terms of time and cost. One of the approaches which has recently attracted attentions is the heuristic algorithms based intelligent Methods. Inclined Planes system Optimization algorithm (IPO) is a novel heuristic algorithm inspired by dynamic movement of the objects on frictionless inclined planes. But despite its remarkable ability for exploration and exploitation of the search space, its standard model has complex relationships with many structural parameters that often confuse the user in choosing the effective values for them. In this paper, IPO algorithm is simplified to present a heuristic algorithm (called SIPO) and its efficiency in optimization of 10 standard benchmarks has been evaluated. Then, a multi-objective version of the proposed algorithm (called MOSIPO) for design and optimization of double tail comparator is presented and its efficiency in optimization of double tail comparator has been evaluated and compared with popular multi-objective intelligent methods. The results clearly demonstrate the improved performance and superiority of SIPO and MOSIPO compared to the other methods.
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