A New Corner Extraction Method and its Application to Vehicle De
Subject Areas : electrical and computer engineering
E. Kabir
M. Fathi
H. Sadoghi Yazdi
1 - Tarbiat Modares University
2 - University of Science and Technology
3 - Ferdosi University
Keywords: Corner detectionsingular valueseigenvaluescross correlationvehicletrafficmachine vision,
Abstract :
Corner detection is employed in many areas of image processing and machine vision. Finding all corners, computing the exact position of the corner and robustness of the algorithm against noise are important criteria in corner detection. In this paper, using the singular values of the matrix defined on the gradient of a small area of the image, a suitable corner is extracted. The proposed method in comparison with the computational method which is based on the eigenvalues of the cross correlation matrix of the gradient of image shows a better performance. It also yields good results in the presence of noise. These two methods were compared on the synthesized and real images of a traffic scene. The proposed method presented better results.
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