The phenomenological analysis of conceptual territory of inter-organizational learning
Subject Areas :وجه الله قربانی زاده 1 , حبیب رودساز 2 , mir ali seyed naghavi 3 , Hossein Mohammadi 4
1 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
2 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
3 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
4 - Allameh Tabataba’I University
Abstract :
This article is aimed to analyze the conceptual territory of inter-organizational learning. We made use of semi structured interviews to collect data and phenomenology as research strategy. To analyze the conceptual territory of the phenomenon, we draw a framework characterizing the meaning, specifications, influential variables, outputs and outcomes in order to develop distinct borders. The meaning of the phenomenon is perceived when factors like 1) sharing, optimizing, and localizing, 2) the perception of succession, 3) feedback getting, monitoring, and modifying would take place. Specifications include pathology, planning, and shared organizing; and usage of collective wisdom; influential factors include extension of virtual collaboration, and usage of outdoor experiences; outcomes include convergence and synergy; and developing learning instructing culture, defections include lack of enough budget and facilities, and the need for economic, managerial and social infrastructures. With analyzing the territory of inter-organizational learning phenomenon and developing distinct and exclusive borders, this study adds to the conceptual domain of the phenomenon.
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