Competitive An Investigation of the Effect of Open Innovation on Supply Chain Sustainability for the Purpose of Gaining Advantage, Using Structural Modeling Techniques; Study of Case: Mashhad Food Industries Units
Subject Areas :
leila helalian
Ali Morovati Sharifabadi
habib zareh ahmadabadi
1 - Yazd University
2 - Yazd University
3 - University of Yazd
Keywords: open innovationsupply chain sustainability, competitive advantage structural equation modeling,
Abstract :
In this study, the effect of open innovation on supply chain sustainability in Mashhad food industries units has been investigated. After identifying the most important factors, which were prepared by studying research literature and background and confirmed by experts, all variables were drawn as a model in Smart PLS program, in which relationship between the two variables represented a hypothesis. The statistical population of this research included experts in Mashhad food industries units. 128 quality control experts of Mashhad food industries were selected completely randomized as the sample of study by "Rule 10" method. They were provided with the questionnaire of this study which was filled out by them. The results of structural equation modeling suggest that using open innovation in Mashhad food industries could lead to competitive advantage. But this effect will be more significant and impressive through using a sustainable supply chain. Because open innovation has a considerable impact on all aspects of sustainability in a supply chain and these aspects, except for the environmental aspect, have a significant impact on gaining competitive advantage. Therefore, considering the fact that competitive advantage is necessary for survival of an organization, using open innovation process through the effect on supply chain sustainability can lead to more success in obtaining competitive advantage in Mashhad food industries units.
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