Investigating organizational characteristics during the go-go and adolescence stages using the PAEI framework and the system dynamics approach
Subject Areas :
Ramin Mowlanaour
Fatemeh Saghafi
1 -
2 -
3 - Associate Prof. of University of Tehran
Keywords: Organization life cycle Adizes’ PAEI model System Dynamic Simulation Strategic management,
Abstract :
Understanding the characteristics of an organization during different stages of its lifecycle help us make appropriate decisions at each stage in order for solving any problem. Employing the PAEI framework proposed by Adizes, and the system dynamics approach, we have analyzed the characteristics and behavior of an organization during the go-go and adolescence stages of its lifecycle. Moreover, using the system dynamics analysis approach, we have plotted the causal feedback loops and stock-and-flow diagrams of each stage of the organizational lifecycle. Then, the output of the simulations of 100 months of the go-go and adolescence stages of the organizational lifecycle performed in the VENSIM software are obtained .Finally appropriate strategies have been proposed for tackling the problems that the organization may face in each stage of its lifecycle.
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