The Role of Agile Manufacturing in Improving Organizational Productivity
Subject Areas :
gholamreza hashemzade khorasegani
Mohammad Reza Bahrami
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Keywords: Agile Manufacturing Organizational Productivity Customer Orientation Cost Management,
Abstract :
Today, the increase in instability and turbulence in organizational environments has made organizations achieve certain levels of agile manufacturing to meet the needs of their customers in unpredictable conditions, as agile manufacturing is considered the major contributor to the success and survival of firms. However, many manufacturing firms do not pay much attention to such issues. This paper was mainly aimed at investigating the role of agile manufacturing in improving organizational productivity. To this end, a number of employees at Moghan Wire & Cable Company were selected as the study sample. The research was an applied cross-sectional survey. Simple random sampling was used to select 134 managers, specialists and employees familiar with agile manufacturing at Moghan Wire & Cable Company. After identifying productivity and agile manufacturing indicators, a questionnaire was designed. The questionnaire’s validity was confirmed by professors and a group of experts at Moghan Wire & Cable Company. Cronbach’s alpha was used to evaluate the questionnaire’s reliability. The questionnaire’s Cronbach’s alpha was 0.90. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyze the collected data and find the relationships between the variables. The analyses were performed using SPSS 20 and SmartPLS 2. The results showed that high levels of agile manufacturing had a significant influence on productivity at Moghan Wire & Cable Company.
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