The Transcendent Philosophy and a Fortiori Logic
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Keywords: a fortiori logic principle of gradation religious texts the Transcendent Philosophy Mulla Sadra ,
Abstract :
On which logic is the Transcendent Philosophy based? In response to this important question, this paper refers to a fortiori logic. This logic not only reveals the effect of the graded levels of existence on the structure of propositions and judgments but also explains the propositions inferred from the comparison of existential and non-existential affairs. The important point here is that a fortiori logic can be traced in many of the Qur’anic verses. This paper presupposes that the historical development of Islamic philosophy, from the Peripatetic philosophy to the Transcendent Philosophy with the intention to justify religious statements, indicates the similarity between the logic inherent in its structure with the logic derived from religious texts. The truth of this assumption marks the obvious effect of Islam on the Transcendent Philosophy, through which we can properly justify the use of the attribute of “Islamic” for this philosophy.
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