The Relationship between Genetic and Religious Affairs in Theoretical Gnosis
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Keywords: Truth Muhammedan truth genetic affair religious affair perfect Man ,
Abstract :
In theoretical gnosis, based on the principle of the oneness of being, it is only the Truth Who is one and from Whom a single entity called the first emanated and Muhammedan truth is emanated. On the other hand, the Divine Names (and their hidden and objective loci of manifestations) are in conflict with each other because of their limitations, and the name of Allah and His loci of manifestation, the Muhammedan truth, establish balance and order between their names and manifestations. The order and balance among the conflicts of the hidden manifestations of names are established genetically through the fixed essence of the Muhammedan truth, whereas the same is done among the conflicts of objective manifestations through the external essence of the Muhammedan truth in the form of religious laws. The purpose of religious laws is to have people follow the Muhammedan religion in order to free themselves from conflicts and limitations and attain the level of limitlessness. Whenever they attain such a level, they unite with the Muhammedan truth, which is the manifestation locus of the name of God. It is through this union that they can dominate the realm of being and begin the act of creation there with the permission of the Truth and turn into a mediator between the Truth and creation in the same way that God’s Name and the Muhammedan Truth were the mediators between the Truth and creation at the beginning of the creation of existents. Therefore, religious law-making ends in creation.
قرآن كريم.#
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