The Faith in the Separation School (Maktab-e Tafkik) “Emphasizing on Maleki Mianaji's views”
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyJavad Ansari Fard 1 , aflatoon sadeghi 2 , shahabboddin vahidi 3 , mahdi khadmi 4
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Abstract :
The faith is one of the most valuable religious issues that it has always been considerable to scholars. In the approach of faith, the essence of Faith, its relation to Islam, to reason, and its subjects have always been discussed. The importance of these issues is that they play an important role in the individual and social functioning of every human being. The contemporary approach that focuses on these issues, especially the relation of faith and reason, is the school of separation. In viewpoint of Maleki mianaji “one of the Maktab-e Tafkik followers” Faith is Confession and acknowledgment to existence of God, Divine prophets, the world hereafter, the scriptures and the Hidden and Angels. According to him, the faith has degrees and the Faith to God and the Faith to The world hereafter is the first degrees of Faith. He believes the faith to God is after his cognition. The notable point in the Maleki mianaji’s views is that the faith is the creature of God and the man must earn it. On the other hand, the knowledge that is the basis of faith is realized by God through the prophet and the infallible Imams. The present article describes and analyzes the Maleki mianaji’s statements of faith, especially his interpretive approach, and seeks to highlight the specific points of this approach.
قرآن کریم
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