Comparative Study on the infallibility of the Prophet from the viewpoint of Allame Tabatabie and Fakhr Razi
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
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Keywords: Comparative study, Infallibility, the Prophet, Allame Tabatabaie, Fakhr Razi.,
Abstract :
One of the most important issues about the Prophet is the infallibility of the Prophet. Although, this is an ancient issue in the theological and ideological discussions, but it is the most important Islamic theological discussions among the theologians and Islamic commentators. Some scholars believe that the infallibility of the Prophet is necessary for the mission of the Prophet, either before or after his appointment. This study intends to present an overview about the infallibility, definition of the problem, the history of infallibility, the main questions and sub-questions, hypotheses, research purposes and methodology. Then the research will involve in the theoretical foundations which include the scientific biography of Allame Tabatabaie and Fakhr Razi , research literature which comprises of semantics of infallibility, the literal and technical meaning of infallibility, infallibility in the Quran and infallibility from the viewpoint of two commentators as well. The conducive and origin of infallibility from the view of Shiite and Sunni commentator, the reasons for the need of infallibility of the Prophet and the comparative study between two views will be discussed here as well. At the end, the most important reasons about the mistakes and forgetfulness which attributed to the Prophet and a comparison between two views will be discussed.
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