Pathology of Good Governance Components (Accountability and Justice and Fairness) in Markazi Province Jihad Organization
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Education
رستم درخشان
Reza Najafbagy
Karamolah Daneshfard
Nazanin Pilevary
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Keywords: Pathology, Accountability, Justice and Exhibition. ,
Abstract :
The main goal of this study is "Pathology of Good Governance Elements (Responsiveness and Justice and Justice), to provide a solution to the Marine Enterprise Jihad." This research is descriptive, survey and survey and has been used by the most common methods. The statistical population of the study is 408, and according to the Morgan table, 200 people are considered as a statistical sample. Sampling was done in a clustered way and within the classes by simple random method. The data gathering tool was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by experts and factor analysis and validated by Cronbach's alpha (0.89). The findings of this research show that there are differences in the components of accountability, justice and fair between the status quo and the desired situation. Therefore, in order to reduce the gap between the current situation and the optimum condition of each component, the damage is identified and the solution is expressed.
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