Restitution in law, jurisprudence and Islamic ethics
Subject Areas : Ethics and Islamic Educationmohammad hasan javadi 1 , seyed mahdi ghireyshi 2 , Behzad Balazadeh 3
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Keywords: Restoration of dignity, Criminal conviction, Deprivation of social rights, Repent, Morality.,
Abstract :
Social justice is rooted in spatial and environmental justice. And the lack of access of parts of the city to public spaces will deprive residents In today's societies, due to the complexity of crimes and the variety of crimes, the errors of courts in many stages are high and can not be ruled out, and the eyebrows and dignity of citizens are questioned in this matter, and there is a need for law to overcome this dignity. Restoration of dignity is the reinstatement of the dignity that has been influenced by various factors of the deprived or subverted individuals, which may sometimes be applied to an innocent person who has been found guilty of a crime or has been harmed by his dignity. In this case, it will compensate for all its spiritual damages by restoring the dignity, because without doubt in the societies governed by the law the respect and dignity of the individuals who are among their spiritual assets is considered and respected by the legislator, as far as this is the case The attention of the texts of the constitution to most countries has been clarified and supported by the legislature. Therefore, the desecration of people's honor and dignity in any form is unlikely to be punishable as the case may be, and it may sometimes be possible to restore the dignity of the offender, in which he or she would return some or all of the sentenced to justice. In the religion of Islam, several verses such as Sura Toubah, Surah Yusuf, Surah al-Nuru… in various narratives, including the traditions of Mohammad Baqir about the necessity of compensation for the right of Allah and Imam Ali regarding the reverence of the personality of humans and the positive attitude of the offenders and ... The rules of wisdom and the restoration of dignity have been considered. In the present article, the definitions of restorative dignity and its types will be discussed first, then the defects of the Islamic Penal Code, adopted in 1392, will be considered. However, the jurisprudential justification for the complete restoration of the non-existence of dignity in the context of the law is one of the goals of this article.
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