An Analysis of the Role of the Great Hosseinieh in the Formation of the Secondary Structure of Zanjan in the Qajar Era and the Its Persistence Causes
Subject Areas : Islamic urbanism
Ahad Nejadebrahimi
MohammadJavad Heydari
1 -
2 - Islamic Art University of Tabriz
Keywords: secondary structure, great Hosseinieh, Zanjan city, Great Hosseinieh,
Abstract :
The government found more religious convergence with the people in the Qajar era. Because, in addition to the people, the government was also active in constructing religious places, such as Dolat (government) and Nasiriyah Tekyeh in Tehran and Zanjan city. This factor not only increased the influence of the Shi’i religion and publicized its religious rituals, but, in addition to influencing the physical organization of the city, it paved the way for another structure too. This structure was not defined by physical element such as the main structure. Contrary to the main structure, this structure was a symbolic and semantic that arose as a result of social action. This structure was a result of citizen’s image of mind of the urban spatial sense and identity that the social construction (religious behavior of citizens) has played a major role in its shaping and, contrary to the main structure of the city, has undergone a change. The purpose of this research is to explain the role and influence of the Hosseinieh Azam (great Hosseinieh) in the formation of the secondary structure of Zanjan in the Qajar era. The research method is historical, descriptive and analytical. Documentary and field study method has been used in gathering the required information. Results of this research showed that the construction or development of the great Hosseinieh and the formation of its mourning group in the Qajar era have played an important role in creating the secondary structure of the city of Zanjan. A structure that has persistence to this time.
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