Description in The Story of Rostem and Sohrab
Subject Areas : Research in Iranian classical literature
Ghodsiyeh Rezvaniyan
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Keywords: Description Descriptology Narratology the story of Rostam Sohrab ,
Abstract :
Description is a part of most literary texts. Considering its great importance, description has not been given the attention it deserves especially, in Persian literature. In this article in addition to reviewing the previous definitions and theories, by using a method close to that of structuralists, a new classification of types of description is presented which is achieved through the analysis of description in the story of Rostam and Sohrab. According to this method, description is considered a dynamic linguistic proposition (not a static one) which represents features and consists of three basic elements: subject (the descripted), describing words, and the feature. This research intends to prove that description has a crucial role in any literary text since it is the foundation of narrative and poetry. Thus, the form and content of various types of description are analyzed in the story of Rostam and Sohrab as a descriptive narrative text. It is also tried to achieve a theory of description in Persian literature based on the results.
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