فهرست مقالات Jia Uddin

  • مقاله

    1 - Drone Detection by Neural Network Using GLCM and SURF Features
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , شماره 1 , سال 9 , زمستان 2021
    This paper presents a vision-based drone detection method. There are a number of researches on object detection which includes different feature extraction methods – all of those are used distinctly for the experiments. But in the proposed model, a hybrid feature extrac چکیده کامل
    This paper presents a vision-based drone detection method. There are a number of researches on object detection which includes different feature extraction methods – all of those are used distinctly for the experiments. But in the proposed model, a hybrid feature extraction method using SURF and GLCM is used to detect object by Neural Network which has never been experimented before. Both are very popular ways of feature extraction. Speeded-up Robust Feature (SURF) is a blob detection algorithm which extracts the points of interest from an integral image, thus converts the image into a 2D vector. The Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) calculates the number of occurrences of consecutive pixels in same spatial relationship and represents it in a new vector- 8 × 8 matrix of best possible attributes of an image. SURF is a popular method of feature extraction and fast matching of images, whereas, GLCM method extracts the best attributes of the images. In the proposed model, the images were processed first to fit our feature extraction methods, then the SURF method was implemented to extract the features from those images into a 2D vector. Then for our next step GLCM was implemented which extracted the best possible features out of the previous vector, into a 8 × 8 matrix. Thus, image is processed in to a 2D vector and feature extracted from the combination of both SURF and GLCM methods ensures the quality of the training dataset by not just extracting features faster (with SURF) but also extracting the best of the point of interests (with GLCM). The extracted featured related to the pattern are used in the neural network for training and testing. Pattern recognition algorithm has been used as a machine learning tool for the training and testing of the model. In the experimental evaluation, the performance of proposed model is examined by cross entropy for each instance and percentage error. For the tested drone dataset, experimental results demonstrate improved performance over the state-of-art models by exhibiting less cross entropy and percentage error. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    2 - An Autoencoder based Emotional Stress State Detection Approach by using Electroencephalography Signals
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , شماره 1 , سال 11 , زمستان 2023
    Identifying hazards from human error is critical for industrial safety since dangerous and reckless industrial worker actions, as well as a lack of measures, are directly accountable for human-caused problems. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, physical deformities, and wea چکیده کامل
    Identifying hazards from human error is critical for industrial safety since dangerous and reckless industrial worker actions, as well as a lack of measures, are directly accountable for human-caused problems. Lack of sleep, poor nutrition, physical deformities, and weariness are some of the key factors that contribute to these risky and reckless behaviors that might put a person in a perilous scenario. This scenario causes discomfort, worry, despair, cardiovascular disease, a rapid heart rate, and a slew of other undesirable outcomes. As a result, it would be advantageous to recognize people's mental states in the future in order to provide better care for them. Researchers have been studying electroencephalogram (EEG) signals to determine a person's stress level at work in recent years. A full feature analysis from domains is necessary to develop a successful machine learning model using electroencephalogram (EEG) inputs. By analyzing EEG data, a time-frequency based hybrid bag of features is designed in this research to determine human stress dependent on their sex. This collection of characteristics includes features from two types of assessments: time-domain statistical analysis and frequency-domain wavelet-based feature assessment. The suggested two layered autoencoder based neural networks (AENN) are then used to identify the stress level using a hybrid bag of features. The experiment uses the DEAP dataset, which is freely available. The proposed method has a male accuracy of 77.09% and a female accuracy of 80.93%. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    3 - An Analysis of Covid-19 Pandemic Outbreak on Economy using Neural Network and Random Forest
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , شماره 2 , سال 11 , بهار 2023
    The pandemic disease outbreaks are causing a significant financial crisis affecting the worldwide economy. Machine learning techniques are urgently required to detect, predict and analyze the economy for early economic planning and growth. Consequently, in this paper, w چکیده کامل
    The pandemic disease outbreaks are causing a significant financial crisis affecting the worldwide economy. Machine learning techniques are urgently required to detect, predict and analyze the economy for early economic planning and growth. Consequently, in this paper, we use machine learning classifiers and regressors to construct an early warning model to tackle economic recession due to the cause of covid-19 pandemic outbreak. A publicly available database created by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) is used to validate the model, which contains information about national revenue, employment rate, and workers' earnings of the USA over 239 days (1 January 2020 to 12 May 2020). Different techniques such as missing value imputation, k-fold cross validation have been used to pre-process the dataset. Machine learning classifiers- Multi-layer Perceptron- Neural Network (MLP-NN) and Random Forest (RF) have been used to predict recession. Additionally, machine learning regressors-Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Random Forest (RF) have been used to detect how much recession a country is facing as a result of positive test cases of covid-19 pandemic. Experimental results demonstrate that the MLP-NN and RF classifiers have exhibited average 88.33% and 85% of recession (where 95%, 81%, 89% and 85%, 81%, 89% for revenue, employment rate and workers earnings, respectively) and average 90.67% and 93.67% of prediction accuracy for LSTM and RF regressors (where 92%, 90%, 90%, and 95%, 93%, 93% respectively). پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    4 - Long-Term Software Fault Prediction Model with Linear Regression and Data Transformation
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , شماره 3 , سال 11 , تابستان 2023
    The validation performance is obligatory to ensure the software reliability by determining the characteristics of an implemented software system. To ensure the reliability of software, not only detecting and solving occurred faults but also predicting the future fault i چکیده کامل
    The validation performance is obligatory to ensure the software reliability by determining the characteristics of an implemented software system. To ensure the reliability of software, not only detecting and solving occurred faults but also predicting the future fault is required. It is performed before any actual testing phase initiates. As a result, various works on software fault prediction have been done. In this paper presents, we present a software fault prediction model where different data transformation methods are applied with Poisson fault count data. For data pre-processing from Poisson data to Gaussian data, Box-Cox power transformation (Box-Cox_T), Yeo-Johnson power transformation (Yeo-Johnson_T), and Anscombe transformation (Anscombe_T) are used here. And then, to predict long-term software fault prediction, linear regression is applied. Linear regression shows the linear relationship between the dependent and independent variable correspondingly relative error and testing days. For synthesis analysis, three real software fault count datasets are used, where we compare the proposed approach with Naïve gauss, exponential smoothing time series forecasting model, and conventional method software reliability growth models (SRGMs) in terms of data transformation (With_T) and non-data transformation (Non_T). Our datasets contain days and cumulative software faults represented in (62, 133), (181, 225), and (114, 189) formats, respectively. Box-Cox power transformation with linear regression (L_Box-Cox_T) method, has outperformed all other methods with regard to average relative error from the short to long term. پرونده مقاله

  • مقاله

    5 - An Efficient Sentiment Analysis Model for Crime Articles’ Comments using a Fine-tuned BERT Deep Architecture and Pre-Processing Techniques
    Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST) , شماره 1 , سال 12 , زمستان 2024
    The prevalence of social media these days allows users to exchange views on a multitude of events. Public comments on the talk-of-the-country crimes can be analyzed to understand how the overall mass sentiment changes over time. In this paper, a specialized dataset has چکیده کامل
    The prevalence of social media these days allows users to exchange views on a multitude of events. Public comments on the talk-of-the-country crimes can be analyzed to understand how the overall mass sentiment changes over time. In this paper, a specialized dataset has been developed and utilized, comprising public comments from various types of online platforms, about contemporary crime events. The comments are later manually annotated with one of the three polarity values- positive, negative, and neutral. Before feeding the model with the data, some pre-processing tasks are applied to eliminate the dispensable parts each comment contains. In this study, A deep Bidirectional Encoder Representation from Transformers (BERT) is utilized for sentiment analysis from the pre-processed crime data. In order the evaluate the performance that the model exhibits, F1 score, ROC curve, and Heatmap are used. Experimental results demonstrate that the model shows F1 Score of 89% for the tested dataset. In addition, the proposed model outperforms the other state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning models by exhibiting higher accuracy with less trainable parameters. As the model requires less trainable parameters, and hence the complexity is lower compared to other models, it is expected that the proposed model may be a suitable option for utilization in portable IoT devices. پرونده مقاله