تبیین تأثیر مفهوم القاء در نظام محله با تکیه بر آموزههای معارف اسلامی
محورهای موضوعی : شهرسازی اسلامی
مجید خرمشاد
رضا خیرالدین
1 - پژوهشگر دکتری شهرسازی، گروه شهرسازی دانشگاه علم و صنعت
2 - دانشیار گروه شهرسازی، دانشگاه علم و صنعت
کلید واژه: اعتماد, القاء, انس, تکرار, جذبه, محله,
چکیده مقاله :
مفهوم القاء در حوزههای دانشی مختلفی مورد توجه، بررسی و بهرهبرداری قرار گرفته است. در انسانشناسی اسلامی و مبانی تربیتی آن نیز، القاء یکی از روشهای مهم و تأثیرگذار در فرایند رشد و تعالی انسان محسوب میشود. با این وجود، ترجمان کالبدی و عملکردی این مفهوم کلیدی در حوزۀ طراحی شهرها مورد غفلت بوده است. بر این اساس، هدف پژوهش حاضر ارائه راهبردهایی جهت مدیریت محله و پیشنهادهای عملیاتی جهت شکلدهی کالبدی و عملکردی آن متأثر از مفهوم القاء است. در گام ابتدایی با تمرکز بر منابع کتابخانهای در حوزههای دانشی مرتبط و بهرهگیری از روش فراترکیب، مفهوم القاء با تکیه بر معارف اسلامی چنین جمعبندی گردید: «تفهیم غیراستدلالی و ناهشیارانۀ مفاهیم به ذهن و گرایشات انسان به صورتی که موجب انتقال مفاهیم ربّانی و حرکت در مسیر تعالی انسانی و یا دریافت پیام شیطانی و شکلگیری ظرفیت نزول مراتب انسانی گردد». بر اساس نتایج حاصله، القاءِ محیط به انسان به صورت کلی بر دو مفهوم اساسیِ «اُنس» و «اعتماد» استوار است. اُنس به وسیلۀ «تکرار» و «تداوم ارتباط» با القاء کننده حاصل شده و اعتماد یا ناشی از «جذبه» ذاتی القاء کننده میباشد و یا به صورت مصنوعی و با بهرهگیری از ابزارها و روشهای مختلف رسانهای و هنری ایجاد میگردد. در مرحله بعد با بهرهگیری از روش «استدلال منطقی» و شیوۀ «تعمیم میان رشتهای»، مؤلفههای حاصل از تعریف فوق و مفاهیم اصلی مرتبط با آن در نسبت با موضوع محله تحلیل گردید. بر این اساس، مفهوم القاء در محلات شهری -با تأکید بر قوای بینایی و شنوایی انسان- به صورت خاص در هفت فضای شهری شامل 1) کوچه، 2) فضاهای تجمّع کاربریهای خدماتی، 3) فضاهای بازی و حوزه اطراف آنها، 4) فضاهای سبز تفریحی عمومی، 5) مساجد و فضاهای شهری اطراف آن، 6) فضاها و معابر منتهی به مدارس و 7) فضاهای رویداد محور محلی، بالاترین تأثیر را دارد. همچنین راهبردها و پیشنهادهای عملیاتیِ مورد نیاز به منظور مدیریت و جهتدهی القائات کالبدی و عملکردی در محلۀ مطلوب اسلامی در نتایج پژوهش ارائه شده است.
In Islamic anthropology and its educational foundations, inculcation is considered one of the important and influential methods in the process of human growth and excellence. Nevertheless, the physical and functional translation of this key concept has been neglected in the field of urban design. Based on this, the aim of the current research is to provide strategies for neighborhood management and operational suggestions for its physical and functional formation influenced by the concept of inculcation. For this purpose, by focusing on "library resources" and using the methods of "Meta-synthesis" "logical reasoning" and "interdisciplinary extension", the concept of inculcation was summarized based on Islamic teachings, inculcation in urban planning was redefined and the concepts of "familiarity" and "Trust" were identified as the main concepts shaping the inculcation. Finally, it was concluded that the concept of inculcation in the neighborhood has the highest function in seven specific urban spaces. Also, the strategies and operational suggestions needed in order to manage and direct the physical and functional inculcations in the desired Islamic neighborhood have been presented in the results of the research.
Keywords: inculcation, repetition, familiarity, attraction, trust, neighborhood
Mankind is fundamentally an impressionable creature and behaves to a considerable extent according to the inculcations that are transmitted to him. Inculcations made on humans come from many and diverse sources such as the speech of close people, politicians, artists, media, and also multimedia works of art. But one of the most influential inducers in urban life is the city itself. Urban physics and functions can inculcate many concepts to the citizens in the medium and long term. Neglecting this key platform in the process of cultural-social and physical-functional management of cities cannot be analyzed only at the level of a low-impact passivity and provides the cultural and identity decline of the city and its citizens.
Therefore, in this article, we focused on the structure of interdisciplinary research. We took advantage of the foundations produced in the field of the concept of "inculcation" in Islamic education and specifically in "Islamic anthropology" and extended it to "urban planning" and specifically in "neighborhood system". In this way, we intend to answer the question of the concept of inculcation - from the perspective of Islamic education - what effects does it have on the conceptual, functional, and physical system of the neighborhood? In this way, the aim of the research is to provide strategies as well as operational suggestions for the management and physical and functional shaping of the neighborhood, affected by the concept of "inculcation".
Research Methodology
The present article is considered "qualitative" in terms of research strategy. From the point of view of the Scientific position - through the link between the two academic fields of Islamic education and urban planning - it is classified under "interdisciplinary" studies. Also, the main and macro method of this research in order to take a comprehensive view of the concept of "inculcation" is the Meta-synthesis method. In the research process, in order to obtain relevant and reliable sources, a systematic review method has been used in order to search the sources accurately and purposefully. Also, in order to integrate the concepts of inculcation and neighborhood, the Technique of extension has been used in interdisciplinary integration.
By examining and analyzing the selected sources on the subject of inculcation from the perspective of various sciences such as lexicology, educational sciences, advertising and media, and Islamic education, the main components of inculcation were extracted as described in Table No. 1.
Table No. 1: Description of the components of the concept
of inculcation based on related fields of knowledge
On the other hand, it was analyzed that the neighborhood scale has an undeniable fit with the concept of inculcation. The congruence of the concepts of "repetition" and "familiarity" as well as "attraction" and "trust" which is the inculcation process dependent on them, can be proven in two ways. First, the continuous presence of citizens in the neighborhood and the long-term connection with its physical and functional elements realize repetition and familiarity. Second, trust-building social structures in the neighborhood such as mosques, schools, and various social groups create attraction and trust.
In this way and relying on 1) the direction and result of inculcation in Islamic education and 2) the physical and functional nature of urban planning and design, the macro-structure of the implementation of the concept of inculcation in the neighborhood was presented according to diagram No. 1. Operational suggestions were also extracted to produce divine inspirations and reduce satanic inspirations in the neighborhood, the most important of which are stated as follows:
- Comprehensive and integrated management of existing inculcations in the neighborhood and its many public spaces. In the neighborhood’s inculcation management, both the general result of the existing inculcation in the neighborhood should be evaluated and specially analyzed which approach (divine or satanic) induces the feeling of being the majority, and Each space should be analyzed from the point of view of visual and audio.
- Designing urban spaces (focusing on the seven spaces) in such a way that all the physical and functional elements of the neighborhood, while keeping people away from inattention, forgetful and tempting inculcations, constantly confront them with divine inculcations based on the truths of creation.
- Special use of the mosque, the surrounding spaces, and the passages leading to it in shaping the spatial organization of the neighborhood, the orientation of the passages, the height system of the neighborhood, etc. In fact, the main inducer in the neighborhood should be the mosque and not any other physical or functional element.
- The long-term residence of the residents is one of the strengthening factors of the inculcation process in the neighborhoods. In other words, continuous relocations of residence, especially in big cities, greatly reduce the capacity to use inculcation tools. This issue relies on the time-consuming process of forming humanity and trust in humans towards the environment and surrounding elements.
- Being smaller, more self-sufficient, cooperative, and pedestrian-oriented, due to providing the possibility of repetition and greater depth of audio-visual encounters, has a significant effect on increasing the level of inducibility of the neighborhood and the inducibility of the residents, and strengthens the ability to use this important tool.
- Special time-place situations, which are the generator of instant passions, are considered to be among the most susceptible platforms for inculcating concepts. Therefore, one of the main points that require careful management of inculcations in the neighborhood is to control and prevent the centrality of trust-building elements with non-divine attraction, such as commercial entertainment centers or the spread of events that cause inattention and playfulness.
- The maximum expansion of natural elements (including plants, animals, sky, and earth) and the design of the neighborhood in line with their expression as much as possible is one of the necessities of realizing positive and divine inculcations in the neighborhoods. This point mentions the desirability of building one or two-story residential buildings in order to create less spatial confinement and provide the possibility of seeing the sky.
- Strengthening, expansion, and spiritual management of the space/place of local events as one of the very important platforms for inculcating positive and godly concepts to the residents is one of the important points. This issue is clearly realized by holding religious ceremonies in them.
- A comprehensive redesign of the facades of residential buildings in the neighborhoods in line with: 1) not inducing boastful concepts and as a result provoking "regret" and "jealousy" in the viewers, 2) not inducing inattention, amnesia, and futility to the audience, 3) inducing regularity and calmness and 4) maximum use of natural elements in them.
- Paying special attention to spreading the sound of the Azan (call to prayer) and the Quran in the neighborhood centered on the mosque, especially on special religious occasions.
- Designing and managing a comprehensive system of local environmental advertising - including billboards and storefronts and storefronts of commercial and administrative uses - in order to strengthen inculcations with the concepts of contentment and admonition and distance from the promotion of consumerist concepts and encouraging idleness.
Diagram No. 1: The Macro Structure of the Implementation of the Concept of Inculcation in the Neighborhood
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