تحلیل مؤلفههای آموزش صلح در مجموعه اشعار «سهراب سپهری»
محورهای موضوعی : پژوهشهای ادبیات معاصر ایران
محمد پاک نهاد
علی نجفی
فاطمه مؤذن
1 - استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران، ایران
2 - استادیار گروه زبان و ادبیات فارسی، دانشگاه فرهنگیان، تهران، ایران
3 - کارشناسیارشد زبان و ادبیات فارسی آموزش و پرورش، ایران
کلید واژه: آموزش صلح, اشعار سهراب سپهری, تحلیل مضامین, صلح با خود, صلح با دیگران و صلح با طبیعت.,
چکیده مقاله :
صلح، یکی از اصول و ارزشهای زندگی است و تنها در سایۀ این موهبت میتوان به امنیت، آرامش، رشد و تعالی دست یافت. بنابراین ضروری است که آموزش برای ایجاد و حفظ صلح در جهان به این عرصه گام نهد و راهکارهای دستیابی به صلح را روشن سازد. سهراب سپهری، شاعر و نقاشی است که به جهانی آرام، به دور از ستیز، درگیری، تباهی و فساد میاندیشد که در آن سرزنش و بیداد وجود ندارد. جهان او، شفاف و بیآلایش است. او چون صلحگراها به رسالت خود که پدید آوردن صلح و دوستی است میپردازد. هدف این پژوهش، تحلیل مضامین اشعار سهراب سپهری برای دستیابی به مؤلفههایی است که او برای ایجاد فرهنگ صلح معرفی میکند. این پژوهش با روش کیفیِ تحلیل مضامین و تحلیل یافتهها به هر دو شیوۀ استقرایی و قیاسی انجام شده است. جامعۀ آماری، مجموعه اشعار سهراب سپهری است. شیوۀ گردآوری دادهها با استفاده از اسناد کتابخانهای انجام یافته و دادهها با بهکارگیری پنج گام تحلیل مضامین شامل: آشنا شدن با دادهها، ایجاد کدهای اولیه و کدگذاری، جستوجو و شناخت مضامین، ترسیم شبکۀ مضامین و تحلیل شبکۀ مضامین تجزیه و تحلیل شده است. نتایج پژوهش نشان داد که اشعار سهراب سپهری دارای هشت مؤلفۀ اصلی با عناوین خداباوری، خودسازی، نیکاندیشی، نیکسخنی، نیکرفتاری، زیستن با طبیعت، رفتار احترامآمیز با طبیعت، بیزاری از عصر ماشینی و 27 مؤلفۀ فرعی است که ذیل سه قلمرو اصلی صلح با خود، صلح با دیگران و صلح با طبیعت قرار میگیرد.
Peace is one of the principles and values of life, and it is only under the shadow of this divine gift that security, tranquility, growth, and excellence can be achieved in societies. In other words, the survival of humanity depends on creating and maintaining peace. Therefore, it is essential that education step into this field to create and maintain peace in the world and clarify the solutions to achieve peace. Education, by utilizing the ideas of artists such as Sohrab Sepehri, opens a window to the minds and consciences of humans and, through this, teaches societies the culture of peace. Sohrab Sepehri is a poet and painter who thinks of a peaceful world, away from conflict, destruction, and corruption, where there is no blame or injustice. His world is transparent and untainted. Like pacifists, he pursues his mission of creating peace and friendship. This research aims to analyze the themes of Sohrab Sepehri's poems to achieve the components he introduces for creating a culture of peace. This research was conducted using a qualitative method of analyzing the themes and findings in both inductive and deductive ways. The statistical population is the collection of Sohrab Sepehri's poems. The data collection method was carried out using library documents and the data was analyzed using five steps of thematic analysis including getting acquainted with the data, creating initial codes and coding, searching and recognizing the themes, drawing the theme network, and analyzing the theme network. The results of the study showed that Sohrab Sepehri’s poems have eight main components with the titles of belief in God, self-improvement, good thinking, good speech, good behavior, living with nature, respectful behavior with nature, aversion to the machine age and 27 sub-components that fall under the three main domains of peace with oneself, peace with others and peace with nature.
Keywords: Peace education, Sohrab Sepehri’s poems, content analysis, peace with oneself, peace with others, and peace with nature.
"Peace" is a praiseworthy and challenging word that the existence of war, bloodshed, and endless violence prompted thinkers in every era to teach peace as a turning point in ending these problems. Along with all the organizations that were looking for the spread of peace with multiple goals and solutions, many writers and artists have also made recommendations in peace education by creating their works. Among contemporary writers, no one wanted peace as much as Sohrab. The purpose of this research is to extract the components of peace education through searching in the collection of Sohrab Sepehri's poems using the method of thematic analysis to introduce the recommendations of this artist in achieving peace with oneself, others and nature to the field of education of different sections of the society.
Research background
By searching the sources, no research was found that dealt with the field of peace and peace education in Sepehri's poems and thoughts. The only research found is the article by Bahrevar and Mohammadieh (2018) entitled "Investigation of the culture of peace and the empathetic function of language in Sohrab Sepehri's poems", which have extracted the foundations of peace in Sohrab Sepehri's thoughts by referring to his poems and include the framework- Intellectual independence and independence (inner obedience), acceptance of the principle of diversity, simplicity, and avoidance of luxuries, importance to native culture and cultural and historical heritage, cultural view of science and saving it from intemperance and immorality have been considered by Sohrab. Other introduced articles have paved the way for this research. Fallah Nodehi (2008) introduced the seven components of UNESCO in an article entitled "Investigation of the Components of UNESCO's Peace Education in the Documents of the Republic". These components include human rights and democracy, cooperation and solidarity, preservation of cultures, self and others, cosmopolitanism, environmental protection, and spirituality. In a book titled "Education of Peace", Zakavati Karagozlou (2013) considers institutionalizing peace to be necessary to establish peace and tranquility and avoid war and violence among societies. For this reason, he proposes various and basic solutions for teaching peace among people, especially students. Cholaki (2016) in his thesis entitled "Investigation of the Element of Emotion in Sohrab Sepehri's Poetry" has examined the emotional components in Sohrab Sepehri's poetry by relying on the descriptive-analytical method and library method. Kobra Feridouni (2016) in an article entitled "Phenomenological Analysis of the Identity of the Poet-narrator in Sepehri's Poetry concerning the concepts of Peace and Altruism", has examined the identity of the poet-narrator in Sepehri's poetry based on the concepts of peace and altruism. Nakhaei and Shabanzadeh (2018) in an article titled "Study of the Mystical View of Nature in Sohrab Sepehri's Poem" analyzed Sohrab Sepehri's mystical view of nature with an analytical method.
The present study is a type of interdisciplinary work that has studied the poems of Sohrab Sepehri with the method of thematic analysis. The statistical population of this research, the collection of Sohrab's poems, includes "eight books" and all the poems outside the eight books collected using library documents. The analysis of this research has been done by combining both deductive and inductive methods and using five steps. In the first step of data analysis, each notebook was studied until the poems of that notebook were fully understood its structure was achieved, and the data was read repeatedly. In the second step, after the poems of each notebook were fully studied, coding was started, and the initial codes were created. Coding was done manually without the use of software, and each poem was noted down with the exact number and specifications. In the third step, after performing the initial coding and collecting the codes, a list of codes was available, whose content should be known through analysis. At this stage, some codes were removed due to not having a specific theme, and the theme of the remaining codes was noted in front of each phrase. In the fourth step, after extracting the meaning of each code, the network of themes was drawn. Primary codes were included in the table along with their themes. Delineation of themes continued until the stage where the remaining themes could no longer be grouped. In fact, in this phase of the research, axial coding and selective coding were done.
Based on the findings, which were 116 primary codes, 8 main themes of peace and 27 sub-themes of peace were identified and extracted, which were classified into three dimensions: peace with oneself, peace with others, and peace with nature. Self-peace dimension, including the main components of belief in God with three sub-components and self-improvement with nine sub-components. The dimension of peace with others includes good thinking with four sub-components, good speech with two sub-components, and good behavior with three sub-components. The dimension of peace with nature includes living with nature with two sub-components, respecting nature with two sub-components, and aversion to technology with two sub-components.
Therefore, as a result of the analysis of the components of peace education in the collection of Sohrab's poems and according to the description and analysis that was done, the network of main and secondary themes of the components of peace is presented as follows:
Table 1- The final structure of peace education components
in the axis of peace education with oneself
axis (dimensions of peace education components) |
Main themes (main components of peace education) |
Sub-themes (subcomponents of peace education) |
Teaching peace with yourself |
Belief in God |
Reflection on the system of creation |
Belief in God's nearness |
Belief in the purposeful nature of creation |
self-improvement |
Humility |
Nihilism |
Biological simplicity |
Worship and prayer |
Not afraid of death |
spoiling tail |
Non-affiliation |
Patience and coping with difficulties |
Positive thinking, hope, and trust |
Table 2- The final structure of peace education components
in the axis of peace education with others
axis (dimensions of peace education components) |
Main themes (main components of peace education) |
Sub-themes (subcomponents of peace education) |
Teaching peace with others |
good thinking |
Nationalism and patriotism |
Avoiding judgments and prejudices |
Accepting the principle of diversity |
Breaking taboos and anti-habits |
Kindness |
Avoiding harsh words and choosing good words |
The benefits of silence |
good behavior |
praise and praise |
Foresight and love |
Peaceful coexistence |
Table 3- The final structure of peace education components
in the axis of peace education with nature
axis (dimensions of peace education components) |
Main themes (main components of peace education) |
Sub-themes (subcomponents of peace education) |
Teaching peace with nature |
Living with nature |
Feeling one with nature |
naturopathy |
Respectful behavior with nature |
praise of nature |
Environmental protection |
Aversion to the machine age |
Aversion to war and military weapons |
Get rid of urban life and industrial pollution. |
As we know, the topic of this research was the analysis of the components of peace education in Sohrab Sepehri's collection of poems. The aim of this research was nothing but to analyze the themes of Sohrab Sepehri's poems to achieve the components that he introduces to create a culture of peace. This research was conducted with the qualitative method of theme analysis. The findings were analyzed in both inductive and comparative ways. The statistical population was the poetry collection of Sohrab Sepehri and the data was collected using library documents. Finally, the data was analyzed using five steps of thematic analysis.
The results of the research show that Sohrab Sepehari's poems have 8 main components with the titles: belief in God, self-improvement, good thinking, good speech, good behavior, living with nature, respectful behavior with nature, dislike of the machine age and 27 sub-components, which are under three domains. Peace with oneself, peace with others, and peace with nature are the main ones.
We know that the development and having a peaceful society and world depends on the existence of peace. Peace is also a concept that is present in all aspects of human life. In our opinion, peace can only be summed up in war between countries or people of a country; While such an idea is obsolete and peace is related to all our relationships with the creatures of the world of creation, including humans, creatures, and above that, the relationship with the creator of the world. Therefore, with such a thought, three dimensions of peace with oneself, peace with others, and peace with nature can be considered for peace.
The source of peace with oneself is self-improvement and God-knowledge. Peace with God is very great and precious because the whole earth seeks peace with Him. A peaceful relationship with God depends on self-improvement, growth, and exaltation of the soul, and moral virtues, such as humility, simplicity, etc. That is, peace with God is rooted in peace with oneself. Man cannot have peace with God until he has a peaceful relationship with himself. Peace with others also includes peace with all people, society, and the surrounding world. This peace can be with family members or with a stranger or with society and country. Peace with nature also includes being kind to nature's creatures and respecting them. Finally, to achieve a peaceful society, we need all three dimensions of peace. All three dimensions of peace are connected in the form of a continuous chain, without the existence of even one link of this chain, the spread and expansion of peace is not possible.
What is debatable is that Sohrab is a pacifist mystic with a pure naturalist background. His poems are full of concepts of peace, which include the three dimensions of peace. Among all his poems, the poem "And a Message on the Way" is his expression of peace in the world of war and conflict, and it is a poem that spreads friendship and peace.
As mentioned in the theoretical foundations, people need peace education outside of formal education. Poetry, stories, music, paintings, films, etc., have a much more productive effect on peace education. Therefore, the role of the artist can be as difficult as the role of the teacher and the like, like a role carved on an indestructible stone:
"In a dark night/ when no sound mingled with any sound/ and no one could see anyone from a close distance, / a person climbed the rocks of the mountain/ and with his bloody fingernails/ scratched a picture on a stone and after that no one saw him again. / .../." (Sephehri, 1390: "Role").
Sohrab calls his audience to peace with his indirect and honest expression. He does not sing to sing, but his deep purpose and his message are to spread and teach peace and friendship.
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