مرتبهبندی تعاریف و شیوههای نگرش به معماری اسلامی برپایه شناختشناسی و هستیشناسی اسلامی
محورهای موضوعی : معماری اسلامی
علی دل زنده
حیدر جهانبخش
حسین مرادی نسب
محمدرضا بمانیان
حسن ذوالفقارزاده
1 - پژوهشگر دکترای معماری، واحد سمنان، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی
2 - دانشیار گروه معماری، دانشگاه پیامنور
3 - دانشیار گروه معماری، واحدسمنان، دانشگاه آزاداسلامی
4 - استاد گروه معماری، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس
5 - دانشیار گروه معماری، دانشگاه بینالمللی امام خمینی(ره)، قزوین
کلید واژه: تعاریف, شناختشناسی و هستیشناسی اسلامی, شیوههای نگرش, معماری اسلامی, مرتبهبندی و پهنهبندی.,
چکیده مقاله :
امروزه تعاریف مختلفی از معماری اسلامی برپایه نظامهای فکری جریانهای معاصر با هدف دستیابی به حقیقتهای نهفته در آفرینش اثر معماری اسلامی ارائه شده است. غالب تعاریف موجود به علت جزءنگری از جامعیت لازم برخوردار نبوده و شناخت درستی از معماری اسلامی ارائه نمیدهد. در مسیر شناخت معماری اسلامی لازم است با نگاه معرفتشناسانه و هستیشناسانه به آن پرداخته شود. بنابر فرضیه تحقیق نظام معرفتی اسلام به علت جامعیت میتواند در سطحبندی و ارائه تعریف جامع و مانع از معماری اسلامی راهگشا باشد. این مقاله از یکسو رویکردی توصیفی- تحلیلی دارد و در آن از روش تحقیق تحلیل محتوایی بهره گرفته شده است. رهیافت کلی مقاله کیفی است و در مراحل مختلف انجام تحقیق از روش استدلال منطقی- تحلیلی از گزارههای مفهومی و نظری بر پایه منابع عقل و اجماع خبرگان به توصیف، تفسیر و تحلیل نظرات صاحبنظران نسبت به تعریف و مفهوم معماری اسلامی در قالب شناختشناسی و هستیشناسی اسلامی پرداخته شده است. راهبرد مقاله تفسیری- تطبیقی است. نتایج حاصل از تحقیق به طور کلی نشان میدهد تعاریف موجود از معماری اسلامی از جامعیت لازم برخوردار نبوده و تنها بخشی از سیستم معرفتی را شامل میگردند و از آنها میتوان با عنوان تجارب بشری در ارائه تعاریف معماری اسلامی بهرهبرد. دستهبندی نتایج به ما نشان میدهد سلسله مراتبی هستیشناسانه و پهنهای معرفتشناسانه در ظهور معماری و معماری اسلامی وجود دارد که از جهانبینی علمی شروع میشود و تا جهانبینی توحیدی ادامه پیدا میکند هر یک از این سلسله مراتب سهگانه در هویتبخشی، پویایی و شکلگیری اثر معماری لازم است. براساس این دستهبندی نظامهای فکری که در سطح جهانبینی الهی قرار میگیرند به واسطه قرارگیری در مراتب عقلی بالاتر از ظرفیت و وسعت نظر و شمولیت بیشتری نسبت به نظامهای فکری معناگرا، وجودنگر، نسبیگرایی و واقعگرایی برخوردارهستند.
In order to achieve a comprehensive and complete definition of architecture to identify the hidden facts in the creation of architectural impact is necessary to do some actions to understand two aspects of architecture based on universe and wisdom understanding. Based on analyzing the Islamic wisdom system thesis presenting a comprehensive meaning of architecture. This article has a kind of descriptive and analytic approach from one side of view and in that way, we use analysing of content. This general approach of the article is qualitative and in various processes of doing this research style of logical-analytic approach of description and theoretical choices on the basis of mind and logic and gathering of experts thoughts were used. Analysis and interpretation of experts and schools in relation to defining the meaning of architecture in the style of understanding the universe and life were checked. This approach of the article is analytic and matching. The results generally show that the present definitions of architecture are facts that were made in a special kind of thinking system. These facts because of looking at details of the thinking system have the necessary comprehensiveness and just include some parts of the wisdom system and can be used as human experience in offering the meaning of architecture. Ranking and leveling of results will show that there is a frequent level of understanding of the universe and a group of wisdom understanding in the creation of architecture which began in scientific life understanding and continued to monotheistic life understanding.
Keywords: definition, architecture, Islamic understanding, Islamic understanding of the universe, leveling and ranking based on wisdom.
Knowing the facts and essence of different definitions of architecture, which are the birth of different intellectual systems, they find a correct and acceptable form and concept by crossing each other, and they can provide a comprehensive definition of architecture, provided that we can identify them with a complete and comprehensive intellectual system and Let's categorize. In other words, since one can succeed in knowing the truths hidden in the creation of an architectural work only by achieving an analytical and broad understanding of architecture, one must reach a comprehensive concept of architecture, which requires understanding architecture in the scope of impressions and findings from architecture based on comprehensive order and insight. It is targeted to be able to provide the context to achieve that comprehensive definition. This method, in addition to providing a context for compiling comprehensive definitions of architecture through the experiences of others, prevents simplistic, general, and imposed perceptions of the form and specific conditions of the time, and the facts of architecture are known through the recognition of the existence of concepts in the entirety of architecture (Taqvai, 77: 2010).
The main problem of this research is to examine the ways of looking at Islamic architecture and its leveling and ranking based on a comprehensive intellectual system that can be used to achieve a comprehensive definition of architecture. This action is necessary to know the hidden truths in the creation of architectural works and finally the methods of creating architectural works. Since we are looking for the definition of Islamic architecture, it is necessary to know the works in the framework of the cognitive components of Islam. On the other hand, Islamic epistemology considers architecture to be a part of existence due to the authenticity of the object or work of architecture in knowledge, and from this point of view, the scope of searching for meanings and concepts includes a wide range of insights and knowledge. In Islamic epistemology, the tools of knowledge and its methods and their epistemological results are not the only ones, but rather all the tools and methods are located along each other and can bring human knowledge from the level of existence to its superior depth and from the material dimensions of human existence to his intellectual and spiritual dimensions. (Noghrekar, 21:2010). This is despite the fact that in the present era, the exclusive view has reduced the totality of art and architecture to the combination of its constituent parts due to the separation of the object and the mind, and the originality of the mind, as well as the knowledge of the truth, has been made dependent on human perceptions and mentalities, and the creation of architecture has been defined on the basis of one of its components.
Research Methodology
after stating the introduction and the necessity of the research, identifying the meanings and concepts of architecture and considering its definitions and examining the concept of architecture from the point of view of theorists, then by stating the issue of Islamic epistemology and explaining it in the field of architecture, presenting the model of knowledge of Islamic architecture and analyzing The definitions of the theorists of architecture are discussed in its format, and finally, the leveling and ranking of the definitions of architecture are presented. In Table (1), the foundation, purpose, necessity, approach, subject, question, hypothesis, and research writing model, and in Diagram (1) the structure of the research is presented.
Based on these studies, the classification and classification of thought systems that are placed at the level of the divine worldview, due to being placed at higher intellectual levels, have the capacity to achieve a greater breadth of opinion and inclusion than human-oriented schools. Transversal levels also include a wider range of sciences and can provide a more comprehensive definition of architecture. At this level, semanticist, existentialist, relativistic, and realist systems of thought are placed in other ranks. Thought patterns that have more comprehensiveness provide a more comprehensive and restrictive definition than architecture. And those with higher ranks achieve higher levels of architectural definitions.
The results of the research, especially the classification of the results in the leveling and zoning diagram, show us that there is an ontological hierarchy and an epistemological zone in the emergence of architecture as a representation of the legitimacy of the artifact and its presence in the natural world, which starts from the scientific worldview and continues to the monotheistic worldview. Each of these three hierarchies is necessary for the identification, dynamics, and formation of architectural work since architectural sciences are interdisciplinary sciences and include all epistemological sciences. Based on this research, in each period of this hierarchical system, we can define and shape a type of Islamic architecture. Therefore, the supreme goal of architecture based on Islamic thought is the formation of sacred architecture based on all human and divine knowledge, insights, and ideas, and as long as we cannot achieve this level of comprehensiveness in intellectual systems, it is impossible to present architecture with fundamentalist and completely humane concepts that fit the dimensions of human existence. Therefore, in order to define Islamic architecture from an external point of view (ontology), one must distance oneself from it and consider its totality in relation to other objects, and define it. He approached and understood it. Also, for a comprehensive and comprehensive definition of architecture, Islamic epistemology, and ontology should be taken as the basis of the definition and concept of architecture. In the definition of Islamic architecture, all levels and all areas should be involved with a holistic view. Therefore, in summary, the definition of architecture can be presented in the presented framework as follows: architecture is a work emanating from a religious, philosophical, and scientific worldview and is formed on the basis of sense, reason, and heart, and the resulting works respond to the material and spiritual needs of man and are the most complete and It will be the most effective works.
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