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        1 - Comparative Analysis of "Book of Arda Viraf", Seir-al-Ebad, and Divine Comedy
        manzar soltani کلثوم  قربانی جویباری
        Our purpose in this article is to criticize and analyze the fictional components (story elements) in three imaginative itineraries called "Book of Arda Viraf", "Seir-al-Ebad", and "Divine Comedy of Dante" and then we would tell the reason of excellence of every one of t More
        Our purpose in this article is to criticize and analyze the fictional components (story elements) in three imaginative itineraries called "Book of Arda Viraf", "Seir-al-Ebad", and "Divine Comedy of Dante" and then we would tell the reason of excellence of every one of them over other two works. In so doing, we tried to analyze the fictional components of every one of these three and explain their brilliant differences. Mrs. "Kasreef-far" previously reviewed symbolism in abovementioned works but there is no research regarding the fictional value of these works. Therefore along with the current library method and the aim of comparison of abovementioned components we found that Seir-al-Ebad of Sanaee is superior than two other in story narrating due to the dynamism of its characters, strong theme and reasonable quarrels, fictional and surreal style of narration. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analyzing Story Elements of Shams Tabrizi's Maghalat
        Ahmad razi مهديه  فيض
        One of the ways to learn about the works of art in the past, is to investigate the stories used in them. Preaching – the mystic book of Maghalat by Shams Tabrizi is among the works in which ethical and mystic advices are explained in the form of stories. This paper is t More
        One of the ways to learn about the works of art in the past, is to investigate the stories used in them. Preaching – the mystic book of Maghalat by Shams Tabrizi is among the works in which ethical and mystic advices are explained in the form of stories. This paper is the result of a crash study conducted through analytic-descriptive method, the rules used in Shams Tabrizi's work which he used intentionally or unintentionally and also it indicates to what extend it has been saved in the contemporary literature. That is why we have put the stories of Revayat, Zavieye Did, Goft-o-Goo, Shakhsiat, Lahn, Daronmayeh and Sahneh in studying SAhams Tabrizi's Story on sharp focus. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Aesthetic Analysis of Some Story Elements in Three of Reza Amirkhani’s Novels (Ermia, Man-e- Ou, Bivatan)
        گلرخ‌سادات  غنی مینا  احمدی manouchehr akbari
        Reza Amirkhani is a writer with a unique style which discriminates his stories from other contemporary writers. Strange orthography, language games and proper use of various meanings and forms of the words in are some of the features of this writer’s unique style which More
        Reza Amirkhani is a writer with a unique style which discriminates his stories from other contemporary writers. Strange orthography, language games and proper use of various meanings and forms of the words in are some of the features of this writer’s unique style which have been studied in this article. The story elements have been analyzed in three of his novels, namely, Ermia, Man-e-Ou, and Bivatan. The results show that the appropriate use of story elements, lively and skillful description of places, characters and their feelings in a way that the reader can fully visualize the scenes of the story and imagine himself as part them, are some of the properties of Amirkhani’s writing style. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Analysis of The elements of story the novel of "The Burnt Earth" by Ahmad Mahmoud
        Ali Azizi ziba qalavandi seydhamzeh abedi
        Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the contemporary novelists that according the geographical location of his life who has touched the war and its events closely. He strives to highlight the problems of the war-torn people. The theme of this novel is clarifying the difficulties th More
        Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the contemporary novelists that according the geographical location of his life who has touched the war and its events closely. He strives to highlight the problems of the war-torn people. The theme of this novel is clarifying the difficulties that have happened to the war-torn people. This library research has tried to analysis the elements of the story the "burnt earth" novel by Ahmad Mahmoud. View Angle is the first singular person that is expressed in the language of the main character. This novel is dealt with the story of the early months of the war and the events that took place in Ahwaz. Characters are less important than incidents and events and are marginized in this novel. The dialogues in this novel are suited to the social classes of people. The tone is serious and free from any jokes. The setting of the novel is also accompanied by fear and intimidation. Manuscript profile