• List of Articles s defender

      • Open Access Article

        faride davoudi moghadam
        In the history of mysticism, some mystics for their praise of Eblis (satan) are known as defenders of satan. People like Hallaj, Aeinol-Ghozat Hamedani, Ahmand Al-Ghazali, Kharaghani and so, have defended Satan in two following ways. One, because of putting it in tr More
        In the history of mysticism, some mystics for their praise of Eblis (satan) are known as defenders of satan. People like Hallaj, Aeinol-Ghozat Hamedani, Ahmand Al-Ghazali, Kharaghani and so, have defended Satan in two following ways. One, because of putting it in trial by God (ebtela) and the other, because of deep devotion and intuition of Satan. Sanaaei Ghaznavi with his following ode (ghazal) is considered to be one of those Satan defenders: با او دلم به مهر و مودت يگانه بود سيمرغ عشق را دل من آشيانه بود The aim of this research is to put light on this problem, whether we are able to consider Sanaaei as a Satan defender with referring to only an ode (Ghazal) which is attributed to him, whereas he has got many other poems against Satan. So, whether we are right to consider him as a pro-Satan or anti-Satan with referring to his texts and verses which are collected in his Masnavis, Diwan and Hadigahtol-Haghigheh. With surveying his texts, we are coming to know that Sanaaei could not be considered as Satan defender, but, on the other hand this ode also is expressed in all his manuscripts. Manuscript profile