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      • Open Access Article

        1 - 3D Model Reconstruction by Silhouette, Stereo and Motion Features Fusion
        H. Ghassemian H. Ebrahimnezhadi
        In this paper we propose a new approach to reconstruct the three-dimensional model of object using multi camera silhouettes during time. The main idea in this work is to reduce the current bottlenecks of three-dimensional model reconstruction including: ambiguous stereo More
        In this paper we propose a new approach to reconstruct the three-dimensional model of object using multi camera silhouettes during time. The main idea in this work is to reduce the current bottlenecks of three-dimensional model reconstruction including: ambiguous stereo matching in low contrast regions; non-exact color adjustment between cameras which raises the matching uncertainty; shading and non-consistency of intensity duo to motion and varying the light angle which raises the motion estimation error; high dependency of silhouette method to the number of cameras. We propose a novel scheme to combine three popular methods i.e. stereo matching, motion and silhouette. The novelties of this work include: region growing for low color different neighborhood to increase the quality of background removing process, robust feature based stereo matching of multi camera images to find the exact place of some sparse singular points belong to the surface of object, singular points matching to robustly estimate the motion parameters in next frame. Also, we propose a hierarchical cone intersection method to extract the bounding edges visual hull from all the silhouettes captured by virtual cameras during time. Manuscript profile