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        1 - Using Static Information of Programs to Partition the Input Domain in Search-based Test Data Generation
        Atieh Monemi Bidgoli Hassan haghighi
        The quality of test data has an important effect on the fault-revealing ability of software testing. Search-based test data generation reformulates testing goals as fitness functions, thus, test data generation can be automated by meta-heuristic algorithms. Meta-heurist More
        The quality of test data has an important effect on the fault-revealing ability of software testing. Search-based test data generation reformulates testing goals as fitness functions, thus, test data generation can be automated by meta-heuristic algorithms. Meta-heuristic algorithms search the domain of input variables in order to find input data that cover the targets. The domain of input variables is very large, even for simple programs, while this size has a major influence on the efficiency and effectiveness of all search-based methods. Despite the large volume of works on search-based test data generation, the literature contains few approaches that concern the impact of search space reduction. In order to partition the input domain, this study defines a relationship between the structure of the program and the input domain. Based on this relationship, we propose a method for partitioning the input domain. Then, to search in the partitioned search space, we select ant colony optimization as one of the important and prosperous meta-heuristic algorithms. To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach in comparison with the previous work, we selected a number of different benchmark programs. The experimental results show that our approach has 14.40% better average coverage versus the competitive approach Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Test case Selection based on Test-Driven Development
        Zohreh Mafi mirian mirian
        Test-Driven Development (TDD) is one of the test-first software production methods in which the production of each component of the code begins with writing the test case. This method has been noticed due to many advantages, including the readable, regular and short cod More
        Test-Driven Development (TDD) is one of the test-first software production methods in which the production of each component of the code begins with writing the test case. This method has been noticed due to many advantages, including the readable, regular and short code, as well as increasing the quality, productivity and reliability, and the possibility of regression testing due to the creation of a comprehensive set of unit tests. The large number of unit test cases produced in this method is considered as a strong point in order to increase the reliability of the code, however, the repeated execution of test cases increases the duration of the regression testing in this method. The purpose of this article is to present an algorithm for selecting test cases to reduce the time of the regression test in TDD method. So far, various ideas have been proposed to select test cases and reduce the regression test time. Most of these ideas are based on programming language and software production methods. The idea presented in this article is based on the program difference method and the nature of the TDD method. In this method, meaningful semantic and structural connections are created between unit tests and code blocks, and the test case selection is done based on these relationships. Manuscript profile