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        1 - Representation of Pre & Post-Revolution Iranian Society in Two Novels of Reza Barahani’s
        شهرام  زمانی سبزی تقی  آزاد ارمکی
        The mechanism of Social Thought in Barahani’s works is the base for the present paper. The portrait of pre & post Revolution Iranian Society painted vividly in two novels of Reza Barahani’s was studied based on Lucian Goldman's Genetical structuralism. The two novels a More
        The mechanism of Social Thought in Barahani’s works is the base for the present paper. The portrait of pre & post Revolution Iranian Society painted vividly in two novels of Reza Barahani’s was studied based on Lucian Goldman's Genetical structuralism. The two novels are “The Mysteries of my Homeland” (Les Mysteries du moon Pays) and “Azadeh Khanoom and her Author” (Dr. Sharifi’s Private Auschwitz). Key concepts of the novels were categorized according to Parsons in four categories of culture, society, politics and economy. Findings of the paper show that the mechanism of Social Thought in Barahani’s literature is of politico- cultural approach, in other words, Barahani’s novels are political, but, the political content is obtainable via culture. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Sociological analysis of Shamloo's and AbuMazi's poetry based on Henry Zalamansky's theory
        marjan aliakbarzade zehtab Hossen Yazdani
        Social developments have been reflected in Iranian and Lebanese literature since the beginning of the twentieth century in an especial way, and the poems of Ahmad Shamloo in contemporary Iranian literature and the poems of Abu Mazi in contemporary Lebanese literature ha More
        Social developments have been reflected in Iranian and Lebanese literature since the beginning of the twentieth century in an especial way, and the poems of Ahmad Shamloo in contemporary Iranian literature and the poems of Abu Mazi in contemporary Lebanese literature have had special importance in terms of reflecting social developments.The present article aims to explain the reflections of social events in Shamloo and AbuMazi’s poetry based on the dominant content theory in Henri Zalamansky's sociology of literature with a descriptive-analytical approach based on the American School of Comparative Literature.The results of the research show that the contemporary social developments in Iran and Lebanon have a clear function in Shamloo and Abu Mazi's poetry and have created common themes in the poetry of these two Iranian and Lebanese poets.The two poets' response to the problems of their society - which, from Zalamansky's point of view, is reflected in various literary forms - is "the struggle for freedom". Shamloo depicts the struggle against the oppression of the Pahlavi regime and Abu Madi depicts the struggle against the oppression of the Ottoman empire.Concepts such as the hardships of immigration, patriotism, criticism of poverty and suffering of the people, complaining about the ruling tyranny, enlightenment and struggle against oppression, freedom-seeking and seeking justice are the social concepts of the poetry of these two poets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Investigating the evolution of modern humanism of female characters in Persian novels
        Parivash Mirzaeyan jahangir safari Narges  Bagheri
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint inv More
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint investigates the effects of modernity on Iranian women by reviewing selected Persian novels which were published in this three periods of time: from 1300 to 1320, from 1320 to 1345 , and from 1345 to 1357 . The research demonstrates that generally in the first period, the evolution caused by the prevalence of modern humanism has not been able to liberate women thinking from traditional perspectives. In the second period, growing the popularity of modernity elements has provided a variety of human interests and desires for women. Although increasing feminist ideas shows the prevalence of modern rationalism in this period, behavioral contradictions between women reveals the superficiality of the viewpoint among them. Overindulgence in following instinctive desires in the third period indicates a jump in humanistic thinking. During this period, the passivity caused by fatalism has also been criticized by the authors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Literary sociological critique of the two short stories "Zan sisheii " and " Mesle hameye asrha "
        yousef safian boldaji
        Abstract: Sociological critique is formed by theorists such as Lukachc and Goldman, and every literary writing rises from the depths of society. The present article deals with the sociological critique of two short stories, "Zan sisheii" by Razieh Tojar and "Mesle hame More
        Abstract: Sociological critique is formed by theorists such as Lukachc and Goldman, and every literary writing rises from the depths of society. The present article deals with the sociological critique of two short stories, "Zan sisheii" by Razieh Tojar and "Mesle hameye asrha" by Zoya Pirzad. While social analysis of stories, it recovers the forgetfulness of women in the storytelling community, and deals with self-seeking and self-discovery, as well as the concerns of women in the story community, and determines that the concerns of women storytellers today are loneliness, silence, despair and social attachments. However, women's social life is on a good evolutionary path. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A study of social issues in Sanai's works
        Masoud  Jahanbani Maryam   Azizi Abdul Rasool  Abbasi Nasrabad Sofla
        Each literary work expresses a part of the hidden and visible social realities resulting from political, social and cultural changes. Thus, literature is a form of expressing society and presenting the facts of life in order to expand the horizons of society's conscious More
        Each literary work expresses a part of the hidden and visible social realities resulting from political, social and cultural changes. Thus, literature is a form of expressing society and presenting the facts of life in order to expand the horizons of society's consciousness. Poetry is a mental event that is influenced by issues around the poet and the poet's language is the language of society. Persian-speaking poets in each period, accordingly, have reflected corners of their community space. Among the historical-literary periods of Iran in the sixth century, due to the rule of the Turks and the ups and downs resulting from this rule, has provided a suitable platform for social research. Sanai's works are like a mirror in which the weaknesses of the social life system of the people of that period can be clearly seen. These works are really the manifestations of the society of that time because the information it provides is completely real. One of the most important findings of this research is that Sanai was deeply acquainted with the culture and political and social currents of his time due to his attitude and social and popular personality due to his travels and life in different cities, so his works in a way Uniquely socially and culturally rich. Therefore, various social issues are reflected in his works. The author, in this article, collected data using documents, books and various articles, and then analyzed it. It seeks to enumerate the most important social and cultural issues and anomalies that Sanai expresses in his works. Manuscript profile