• List of Articles Social Class

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Effect of Social Classes on the Poems of Mashrooteh Poets with A Focus on Farokhi Yazdi And Iraj Mirza
        عبدالله  حسن‌زاده میرعلی Ahmad Khatami - -
        From sociology of literature point of view, literary creation is not a personal matter, but rather a social one. Since the society plays a fundamental role in formation of individual characteristics, and the style is not separated from writers’ characteristics, we can More
        From sociology of literature point of view, literary creation is not a personal matter, but rather a social one. Since the society plays a fundamental role in formation of individual characteristics, and the style is not separated from writers’ characteristics, we can say that in creation of any literary work, society has the most significant role. The writer’s social insight and his position against different events are remarkably affected by social status and social classes. Hence, we can analyze a writer’s literary style based on the social class he belongs to. Presenting an introduction on how writers’ world view is related to their social classes according to Goldman¬’s theory of social classes, this paper also has a glance at IrajMirza and Farokhi Yazdi's social status. Then, the major stylistic differences between them will be compared. The findings show that the aforementioned writers’ outlooks are different in some domains such as social/religious criticism, freedom, patriotism, anti-colonialism, anti-authoritarianism, defiance and tendency to luxury Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - From Class Paradox to Discursive Gap: Reviewing the Classic Marxist from Laclau and Mouffe Post-marxist View
          سید صدرا  حسینی
        Any school of thought throughout its history undergoes many changes and fluctuations. The complexity of the recent modern capitalist societies made the new Marxists to revive the opponents’ position of capitalist system. Laclau and Mouffe are among post-Marxists who are More
        Any school of thought throughout its history undergoes many changes and fluctuations. The complexity of the recent modern capitalist societies made the new Marxists to revive the opponents’ position of capitalist system. Laclau and Mouffe are among post-Marxists who are engaged in this attempt. Their criticism of the classical Marxism is due to its dogmatic features and its one-sided and biased analyses. By proposing the concepts of discourse, articulation, mobile identities, hegemony and discursive gaps and conflicts, Laclau and Mouffe try to compensate for the one-sidedness of Classical Marxism which summarizes in economic determinism, class identities, class struggles, and social class gap. These changes are made to increase the effectiveness of Marxism in their analysis of recent modern and complex capitalist societies. The aim of this article is to survey the process of change of Classical Marxist thoughts to Laclau and Mouffe’s post-Marxism. Firstly, there will be a discussion about decentralization of the society following the Post-Marxist perspective, which substitutes the economic determinism in the formation of social order, and secondly, the study points to the idea of antagonism which is a shared concept in both Marxism and Post-Marxism views. The Classical Marxism viewed politics as the class conflict which is lost in the ultimate Communism of class conflict that resulted in a classless society. However, Laclau and Mouffe’s post-marxism points to the endless political conflict and considers it as an everlasting element of the society, and it deems the radical democratic policy as an element that preserves such a conflict. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Examination of Political Participation among Iranian Society’ Middle Class
        hassan abniki
        Studies show that there is a significant relationship between political participation of individuals and their social class. In other words, a similar behavior pattern can be seen regarding political participation among individuals belonging to a special social class th More
        Studies show that there is a significant relationship between political participation of individuals and their social class. In other words, a similar behavior pattern can be seen regarding political participation among individuals belonging to a special social class that can be extended to all of this class. Here in urban middle class, knowing political behavior and the kind of its political participation based on this class’ significance in urban democratic class is very important, because of the importance of this class in modern democratic systems. Iranian urban middle class has played an important role in important historical intervals and in political and social events especially after constitution revolution. In this essay, it is cleared through the political participation of middle class that high political consciousness among the middle class along with high education and their high job position has been led to reducing political participation and shaping political discontent among the members of the middle class. The findings of this research show that the main problem of middle class is the political problem. In fact, Iranian new middle class feels the most inability and incapacity in the politics due to its fairly appropriate economic status. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The physical-spatial structure analysis of the social classes houses in Oil company town “Abadan” during the boom of the oil industry, with the method of space syntax
        Golzar Yonesi Maryam Armaghan Mohamad Javad Saghafi
        The large consumption of oil for energy has had important implications for urban development and globalization in the twentieth century. One of them was the creation of a company town and, consequently, new physical and spatial forms of housing in them. Much of this has More
        The large consumption of oil for energy has had important implications for urban development and globalization in the twentieth century. One of them was the creation of a company town and, consequently, new physical and spatial forms of housing in them. Much of this has been done by British government, in the exploitation of oil and, consequently, the creation of the Oil Company town. Separated social classes based on social status and the special architecture associated with it are prominent features of the Oil Company town. The aim of this study was to investigate and identify the physical-spatial structure of the allocated spaces to each social class and compare changes in these existing social structures in “Abadan”, Is done by space syntax method.we used the qualitative, descriptive-analytical research method, and finally the logical reasoning based on statistical and quantitative data. Depth map software, in items such as depth, integeration, connectivity,control and distribution, have been used in the selected plans of each class. The results and findings comparatively show the adaptation of the social structure to the architecture structure. In these structures, from the working class to the lesser masters, the structure has moved towards extroversion and fundamental change with its traditional form, and the separation and classification of spaces and the creation of spatial hierarchy, as well as individualism and privacy, in the working class to the bosses, according to the data. Software and analytics have increased step by step, and as of today, existing homes are getting closer. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The structure of the social classes of the Kurdish people and their value system
        Shuresh  Ak Amir  Maleki Mohammad Javad  Zahedi Mazandarani Yaghub  Ahmadi
        Regardless of how ideal the issue of the need for equality and destroying classes is, stratification in society is a social reality, and human societies have different hierarchies, classes and social bases. Membership in a social class, as well as having a special statu More
        Regardless of how ideal the issue of the need for equality and destroying classes is, stratification in society is a social reality, and human societies have different hierarchies, classes and social bases. Membership in a social class, as well as having a special status, determines values, goals of life and general biases towards human and social issues. The present article is aimed at analyzing the sociological structure of the class of Kurdish Mukryan society and its changes over the last half century (based on the class structure of Mahabad city), as well as the assessment of their value system. The research method is a combination method and consists of two qualitative approaches (historical analysis to examine the class structure of society) and quantitative (evaluation and evaluation of the value system of the classes). The statistical population consisted of all the people living in Mukherah. In the qualitative section of the research, the whole population was studied and in the quantitative part of the research based on cluster sampling, Mahabad city was selected as sample and appropriate sample size was determined with the maximum dispersion and error rate of 5% 356 people. In the historical analysis, based on valid documents, the class structure of the society has been studied from the past to date. In a quantitative part of the research, the data were analyzed by the standard scale of Schwartz cultural values and analyzed using one-way ANOVA test. Has been. Based on the results of the qualitative section of the research, the study population consists of four types of social strata: the ordinary people (Krimanj), Jinan, asylum (Soblaqhi) and Sadat, which has a relatively closed class structure and is more based on attribution and parenting criteria. And, in general, the characteristics of stratification in less developed societies. The findings of the quantitative research indicate that there is a significant difference in most aspects of Schwartz's cultural scale (arousal, pleasure, success, strengthism, reputation, securityism, consistency, traditionalism, benevolence, and universalism) and no difference Meaningful in the dimension of independence among the four classes. The results of the research are consistent with many of the theories presented in the study, including Marx's class theory, Weber social theory of dignity, and Pierre Bourdieu's theories, as well as the results of previous studies, such as the studies of Lansai Zadeh, Qasemi and Javaheri. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Origin of the social classes and the Holy Quran
        داوود  سليماني
        Objective: Origin of social classes and Quran is an issue which has been subject to sociology studies from one hand and its exploration in Quran on the other hand. This study which is an analytical survey of two scientific approaches of Quranic and social classificatio More
        Objective: Origin of social classes and Quran is an issue which has been subject to sociology studies from one hand and its exploration in Quran on the other hand. This study which is an analytical survey of two scientific approaches of Quranic and social classifications regarding the origin of social classes is an interdisciplinary study. Method: having reviewed and explored the literature of social classifications regarding the formation of social classes and Quranic verses and views of Quran scholars and interpreters, this article has analyzed findings with biblical and comparative approach to shed light on the roots and causes of formation of social classes. Results:This survey reveals that external conditions such as social and economic conditions have had key roles in forming up tendencies and inclinations, and although economic factor hasn’t been the root cause of formation of social classes, the economic factor has been among the key elements of formation of social classes. Also studying Quranic verses and views of Quran scholars and interpreters reveals that despite the findings and views of several sociologists who have rejected the theory of society with no social class, there was an era in the history of mankind in which no social class was identifiable, as Quranic term of unified ummah in verse 213 of Surah Cow refers to it.The study also shows that the cause of formation of social classes is not just confined to social and economic situations, but rather many immaterial factors such as tendencies , inclination and individual features , beliefs as well as set of values have formed up social classes throughout the history. Conclusion: There has been an era in social history of mankind in which human beings enjoyed a No-class society, free from disputes and arguments common to sociology circles, which can be called “unified Ummah” . Outbreak of discrepancies, and subsequently formation of social classes have roots in man’s nature and tendencies. Although the role of external factors can not be ignored, but internal factors have been the root cause of formation of social classes in the societies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Comparing and analyzing the world view of constitutional poets based on their social class
        fahime asadi
        Society plays a role in the creation of artistic and literary works, and sociological studies of literature have different methods. Lucien Goldman, the owner of the theory of developmental structuralism, believes that the social class of the creator of the work affects More
        Society plays a role in the creation of artistic and literary works, and sociological studies of literature have different methods. Lucien Goldman, the owner of the theory of developmental structuralism, believes that the social class of the creator of the work affects his worldview and the worldview determines the structure of the work. In the upcoming research, the worldview of Bahar, Iraj Mirza, Aref Qazvini and Farrokhi Yazdi has been analyzed on this basis and based on the relationship between the worldview of these poets and the construction and application of the structural unit; That is, the compound addition to which the word fist is added, has been analyzed.The Fist of Time, the Strong Fist of Iran, the Hammer-like Fist, the Fist of Knowledge, the Fist of Jamaat and the Fist of Gold are the combinations thar are made by these poets. Every poet considers the fist (literally, power) to belong to something that is important in his worldview; The worldview of the poet who created "Fist of Times" is not the same as the worldview of the poet who created "Fist of Knowledge".Aref Qazvini has great ideals for Iran and the nation, and he considers natural sciences and national sovereignty to be the way to achieve them. Iraj Mirza is a prosperous prince and his ultimate will is to preserve the existing structure, so he is without ideals and knows the power of the economy and uses the golden fist. Although Farrokhi Yazdi is trying to take the side of new elements, his worldview remains an eclectic of traditional and new elements, and most of the socialist attractions are present in his worldview, and this is how he makes a hammer-like fist. The discontinuity that appears in different sections is caused by the difference in worldviews of the poets. Manuscript profile