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        1 - Investigation of the trend of land use changes in Rey city using remote sensing data
        sara foroutan mahmoud shariat mirmasoud kheirkhah zarkesh rahim sarvar
        Rey city has experienced unprecedented urban growth in recent decades that leading to drastic changes in the land use of the region. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to investigate the changes in land use area of Rey city during the years 1988 to 2006 using ae More
        Rey city has experienced unprecedented urban growth in recent decades that leading to drastic changes in the land use of the region. Therefore, the purpose of this article was to investigate the changes in land use area of Rey city during the years 1988 to 2006 using aerial photographs and satellite images of Landsat and IRS. With supervised and unsupervised classification of the satellite images, 4 land uses types including urban lands, agricultural lands, green spaces and barren lands were extracted. Land use layers were compared in pairs and the rate of land use changes was extracted. The results showed that urban land use made and urban green space have increased 369.7 and 55.6 hectares, respectively, and agricultural lands and barren lands have decreased 213.8 and 211.5 hectares, respectively. The growth of residential areas during a period of 6 years from 2000 to 2006 totally with 212.7 hectares has been faster changed than a period of 12 years from 1988 to 2000 with 157 hectares. A pairwise comparison matrix of land uses was used to determine the amount of environmental damages caused by unprincipled changes in the region land uses in the studying period. The results show that the conversion of barren lands, agriculture and urban green space into residential lands with the amounts 44.65, 42.44 and 14.85 causes high degree of environmental damages. Land use change, especially the loss of vegetation, has a negative impact on the landscape. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Monitoring and determination of the urban green coverage threshold based on Landsat data, Case study: Zones 1 and 6 from Shiraz city
        hadi abdolazimi Hosein Roosta
        Changing the use of urban green cover over time can create various environmental hazards for the citizens of a city. Due to the importance of the subject, the present study intends to investigate the temporal and spatial changes of green cover in areas 1 and 6 of Shiraz More
        Changing the use of urban green cover over time can create various environmental hazards for the citizens of a city. Due to the importance of the subject, the present study intends to investigate the temporal and spatial changes of green cover in areas 1 and 6 of Shiraz metropolis using Landsat satellite images during five decades (1972 to 2019). For this purpose, after performing radiometric and atmospheric corrections, maps resulting from plant indices including NDVI, SAVI, OSAVI as well as the maximum likelihood algorithm were prepared in ENVI5 software and classified and evaluated in Spatial Information System (GIS). The results of this study showed that the area of the green cover in region 1 has decreased in terms of hectares in NDVI, SAVI, OSAVI indices respectively and also in the maximum likelihood algorithm has decreased from 1394 to 428, from 789 to 421, from 815 to 419, from 1402 to 439, respectively and in region 6 was decreased from 1374 to 858 (NDVI), from 1160 to 862 (SAVI), from 1149 to 884 hectares (OSAVI) and in the algorithm, the maximum likelihood of similarity has decreased from 1393 to 855 hectares. Investigation of threshold values of plant indices to identify urban green cover showed that the range of threshold values in NDVI was variable from 0.2 to 0.3, in SAVI was variable from 0.44 to 0.47 and in OSAVI was variable from 0.34 to 0.36 and using Pearson test in SPSS software, correlation coefficient values between NDVI, SAVI, OSAVI, maximum likelihood algorithm and the studied years were significant at the 1% level. The results of this test also indicated that there was no significant difference between the results of these methods in this study. This reduction of green cover is considered a serious danger for the citizens of Shiraz. Manuscript profile