• List of Articles Sanai

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Studying the Binary Oppositions in the Structure of Sanaie's Hadiqa
        محمد امير  عبيدي‌نيا علي  دلائي ميلان
        'Binary oppositions' is considered as one of the basic concepts of structural and post-structural critique, and theories of linguistics and semiotics. It is rooted in mythological and cultural beliefs of the humans. Binary oppositions can be found throughout Hadiqa. At More
        'Binary oppositions' is considered as one of the basic concepts of structural and post-structural critique, and theories of linguistics and semiotics. It is rooted in mythological and cultural beliefs of the humans. Binary oppositions can be found throughout Hadiqa. At the level of its surface structure, the phrases, headings, the relations between lines and their arrangements show binary oppositions. At its deep structure, there can be found such oppositions among the successively expressed contents. At the surface structure of its narratives, the characters are of binary oppositions. Their deep structure also centers on this concept. The present article first studies and analyzes the term 'binary oppositions' concerning with different theories, and then classifies the origins of the binary oppositions in both the surface and deep structures of Hadiqa, especially considering its characterization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Influential intellectual foundations in the poetry of Hakim Sanai Ghaznavi
        hosna mohammadzade
        Abstract Sanai Ghaznavi is a wise mystic and poet who has the initiative of mystical and wise Persian poetry and has created a new atmosphere in Persian literature and is a kind of epoch maker. Someone who has been able to use the forms of Persian poetry, especially M More
        Abstract Sanai Ghaznavi is a wise mystic and poet who has the initiative of mystical and wise Persian poetry and has created a new atmosphere in Persian literature and is a kind of epoch maker. Someone who has been able to use the forms of Persian poetry, especially Masnavi and ode in the service of mystical meanings and educational poetry. It is no exaggeration to say that Iranian mystical poetry owes its position and rank to Sanai genius. He is a poet with a clear spirit, who confronts God, man and society not through the religiosity of the congregation, but through his own religion and his own perception. Whereas the poets of his time, usually in the courts, praised the kings and lords of force and gold, and were constant servants of the sultans, and their lives were secured by receiving peace; Sanai, with his unique ideas, has criticized the unhealthy situation of his time. This research has studied and classified the influential intellectual principles in Sanai's poetry and worldview. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Structural Comparison of Common Anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi
        sepide partovi mahdi kargar
        Many Persian literary narratives have their origin in the past of Persian literature, the sources of which have been identified in contemporary area. In the present study, the common anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi have been investigated through library More
        Many Persian literary narratives have their origin in the past of Persian literature, the sources of which have been identified in contemporary area. In the present study, the common anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi have been investigated through library method by study of books, articles and related researches, text analysis and through comparative approach so that the anecdotes with a common theme and different structure can be compared and the differences highlighted. According to studies, the use of storytelling techniques in Rumi's anecdotes is more visible, because his use of superstructure elements of the story, especially perspective, character and dialogue is much more, and in contrast, the element of time and place has been rarely used; while in Hadiqat, these two elements are highly used. One of the main manipulation of Rumi in references is making dynamic the static characters as well as adding various types of dialogue and different characters. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A study of social issues in Sanai's works
        Masoud  Jahanbani Maryam   Azizi Abdul Rasool  Abbasi Nasrabad Sofla
        Each literary work expresses a part of the hidden and visible social realities resulting from political, social and cultural changes. Thus, literature is a form of expressing society and presenting the facts of life in order to expand the horizons of society's conscious More
        Each literary work expresses a part of the hidden and visible social realities resulting from political, social and cultural changes. Thus, literature is a form of expressing society and presenting the facts of life in order to expand the horizons of society's consciousness. Poetry is a mental event that is influenced by issues around the poet and the poet's language is the language of society. Persian-speaking poets in each period, accordingly, have reflected corners of their community space. Among the historical-literary periods of Iran in the sixth century, due to the rule of the Turks and the ups and downs resulting from this rule, has provided a suitable platform for social research. Sanai's works are like a mirror in which the weaknesses of the social life system of the people of that period can be clearly seen. These works are really the manifestations of the society of that time because the information it provides is completely real. One of the most important findings of this research is that Sanai was deeply acquainted with the culture and political and social currents of his time due to his attitude and social and popular personality due to his travels and life in different cities, so his works in a way Uniquely socially and culturally rich. Therefore, various social issues are reflected in his works. The author, in this article, collected data using documents, books and various articles, and then analyzed it. It seeks to enumerate the most important social and cultural issues and anomalies that Sanai expresses in his works. Manuscript profile