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        1 - Model of meaning relationship of "High quality public places" from Islamic-Iranian thought perspective
        Mohsen Rafieian Mojtaba Rafieian Mohamadreza Bemanian
        This article is written because of the lack of a model for understanding the relationship of the meaning of public space in the perceivers's minds. The results of the study showed that there are two types of levels in any observer's mind that the first are straight More
        This article is written because of the lack of a model for understanding the relationship of the meaning of public space in the perceivers's minds. The results of the study showed that there are two types of levels in any observer's mind that the first are straight, immediate and referential, and the second are implicit, secondary and normative. In fact the secondary thought are a basis for knowing a place as high quality or not. For example everyone considers a clean public place or a place with law as a desirable place. However these places could have not been known as a quality places, if they are impure (according to Islamic rules) or there is a sin in it. With this example, it is cleared out that the secondary meaning plays an important role in the qualitative judgment of public places. Therefore in suggested model, a first levels are around the circle and the secondary are in a center of that and also this model is arranged by some components that has some properties such as a) Transcendental and uplifting, b) Being complementary and c) Hierarchy.in an example meaning relationship could be like atent with a main coulmn and some strings, implicit, secondary and normative meanings are like a main coulmn and straight, immediate and referential meanings are like strings. Finally,quality of holdfast arrange around it. Manuscript profile